Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Well, I have just had my day go to crap. Went out to take a few pics of the girls and found my one EE hen trapped behind a piece of cardboard in the coop dead. I am so mad that it happened when it was avoidable. She was my only EE and she had just started to lay and was doing so regularly. AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!
good evening,

I got more done today that I had planned.. I had planned to do nothing. and that is what I mostly did.
I took the Blazer to a machanic friend. He is going to try to sell it for us..

then I gassed up the tractor and put the rototiller into the garage. and that is it..

looks like rain coming, and then some. don't need that much all at once.. let me re-order that rain.. just a misting, late at night and every night..

I am so very sorry to hear about your EE. What color of eggs was she laying for you?

quote name="Daethen" url="/t/245700/wisconsin-cheeseheads/59940#post_17494860"]Well, I have just had my day go to crap.  Went out to take a few pics of the girls and found my one EE hen trapped behind a piece of cardboard in the coop dead.  I am so mad that it happened when it was avoidable.  She was my only EE and she had just started to lay and was doing so regularly.  AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!
Well, I have just had my day go to crap.  Went out to take a few pics of the girls and found my one EE hen trapped behind a piece of cardboard in the coop dead.  I am so mad that it happened when it was avoidable.  She was my only EE and she had just started to lay and was doing so regularly.  AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

Too bad you're so far away. I have 3 that could go.
good morning,

I just turned off the incubator. giving up on the mystery eggs. I float tested them a couple of days ago and they didn't wiggle..

No rain here yet this morning. maybe more toward sunrise ?

I guess my next project will be to remove the mower deck and sharpen the 3 blades..

I figure I will mow once more this summer/fall and that will be it ..

OK Jim, I need some advice.

I need to butcher some chickens. What kind of big pot do I get to dunk them to remove the feathers? Have never done this, so need any advice you can give me. I am counting on you.
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OK Jim, I need some advice.

I need to butcher some chickens.  What kind of big pot do I get to dunk them to remove the feathers?  Have never done this, so need any advice you can give me.  I am counting on you.
I'm not Jim but I'll tell you what I use. A turkey cooker! Any pot big enough to submerge the bird will do.
On Tuesdays (kill day) at the meat plant they always make us lunch. Today was the best ever. Prime rib, bbq baby back ribs, slaw, tater salad, veggies and dip. Fruit and dip. Beans. Good god I bet I gained 5 lbs today.
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Ok, Jim, I need advice.

I need to butcher some chickens. What kind of big pot do I get to dunk them to remove the feathers? Have never done this, so need any advice you can give me. I am counting on you.

you need a large pot..
the water has to be deep enough to dunk the chicken.
I use a turkey fryer with the gas burner under it.

the water should be 140F to 150F ..
too cool and the feathers won't let loose.
too hot and you risk tearing the skin when you pull feathers

hold the chicken by the feet..
if your pot is large enough, swirl the chicken and dunk it up and down so that the water gets to the skin.

to tell if they are ready to pluck, hold them by the feet and
give the flight feathers and/or tail feathers a good jerk. If they let loose , the rest of the feathers will come loose , too.

do not dunk the chickens and let them lie there. pluck one and then dunk the next one. don't stock pile dunked chickens.. you risk cooking the meat . and the skin will tear.

I use a thermometer to keep checking the water.
correct water temperature makes the job much easier.

how many are you doing ?

after you pluck the chickens, toss them into a tub of cold water. after they are all plucked, then you start gutting them out..

then toss the gutted ones into a tub of cold water .

......there will be more questions, so feel free to ask..


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