Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

ok...I'll polyurethane the floor. I am going to have to check the width of the door...it is already cut. I know you told me to have it as wide as a wheelbarrow, but I completely forgot about that..darn
Happy lookin' up Monday everyone.

good morning,
the real big news of the day could be:
"the eclipse missed us, sorry".

yep, GG, I would say that MANY people say that about us here..

my big project for today is to get the concrete mixer going.

I suspect a blown fuse in the garage panel.
I have a dedicated outlet next ot the panel.
I hope my heavy duty cord will reach from there to the mixer.

otherwise I have a single batch mixer I can fall back on to..

butt first,, coffee and ginger snaps.
Annie found some that are better than Nabisco.
very hard and spicy, not soft and molassesy like some copycat brands.

welcome Madison from LaCrosse.
You still have time to stay out of the crazy chicken owner's world. run while you can.
If you do not have a coop and need to build one. make it huge. don't do the how much room do I need for x amount of chickens.
just resign yourself to having at least 50.
legal or otherwise. the city fathers will never know.
remember, big is better.
stay tuned to this site for true advice.
beware of other sites on byc.
you can check them out, but get it verified here on chz hds..


Hi all,
So busy here, hard to keep up!
Welcome Madison! Are you getting chicks or pullets? What breed? You said "first 3", are you planning to add more later or just a first time chicken owner in denial about chicken math?!
Jim is a great resource for all things chicken, but so is everyone else on here. If you have questions (and you will) just ask, we'll help any way we can.
Chickens are so fun!
I'm getting about 1/2 dozen eggs a day now...the kids are afraid to eat them :thso there they all sit in the frig pretty as can be.
I'll do some baking later this week and use up a slew of them :ya.
Gotta get back to work...fun.
Take care all,
Welcome to the new folks.
I use treated plywood for the floors in my coops. With the added bedding the floor never gets wet here. When coop cleaning time comes, my floors are always dry... :ya


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