Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

baby chicks are copy cats. If you can get one
or two to do something,, the rest will catch on..
when I used to get a hundred chicks at a time, I always
taught a few to drink. soon they all were drinking.
I never bothered to teach them to roost. My brooder roosts
were all about 2feet off the floor. I didn't make them
like stairs. they were all at the same level.
I had them attached to the wall with hinges. then when
I wanted to clean the floor, I just raised them up out'
of the way.
MAMA hen, put them up there yourself, they will figure it out eventually. I have 3 little ones which have not figured it out yet, but they may not be big enough to get to the roost.

They will get there. I put them up sometimes.
I did just that last nigh, with two of the girls. When I did my daily coop clean up, found dried poop on the board, under one of the roosting bars. Progress!!

The repurposed paddle has been big hit with the girls!

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