Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I've had a couple days now to watch how Eddie reacts to me and Cooper, And he's definitely gotten more ascertive so sometime after the holidays I'll see if somebody wants him or if they don't I'll just dispatch him.
I'm done putting up with that!
I have to say I've never noticed my chickens noticing what I'm wearing, colors or anything like that. They just think I have food so that's all they think, But with Eddie around I can't give them treats or he'll come over and try and push me away.
The roo in my laying flock has to go too. He likes to attack me - I am not letting the flock out to forage becasue I don't like to have to be on guard all the time with him out an about. He is also picking on the lower rank hens if they get too close to his food. Hopefully tomorrow is the day.
I actually have 3 more roos in my chick coop that will join him in freezer camp. It feels like alot of effort for only 4 birds, but I plan on using the feather plucker and doing it right. 2 are pretty huge, and 1 is a smallish blue easter egger. Baby Blue has such puffy cheeks and feathered feet! Him I am going to miss just because he is pretty. But I don't need a rooster since I don't hatch eggs and every time I keep a rooster, they turn mean.

Happy Merry Christmas GIF by curly_mads
I never considered a rooster was much good for flock protection. I have had up to fifty at a time and the predators seemed to enjoy them as well as the hens
if you are not hatching eggs, the rooster is just a pet who eats a lot of feed..
We have a neighbor with a blue tick healer who stays home, but one day the owners were gone and the caretaker let the dog go while they took care of the farm animals. There was quite a ruckus when all that dog did was cut down a path to the creek below on our property to take a swim. When it came back up, it saw one of my roosters standing there. All the rest of the chickens were standing by the coop door but the rooster went out to watch for it. My border collie came and took care of it but it was a bit scary for a moment there.

That day was the only time I saw something like that, but I grew a new respect for that rooster.

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