Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Glad to hear that the bash was great again, hopefully next year we can make it- all depends on our work schedule. Got my sister moved by early afternoon, had lunch with her and then headed for home. Had alot of other stuff to do but decided we were way to tired so we played Wii with the kids.

Today we got a good amount done, weeded a few more rows in the garden until it became to hot this am and then cleaned out the chickens, looked everyone over and trimed nails, beaks and everyone got sprayed for mites or to help pervent mites. Seems like the cochins, marans and ameraucanas that have the extra fluff are the first ones to get them.

Moved a few birds around and put the 3 birds we got from Hurley plus our hatchery Cuckoo hen into one pen together, will look into hatching some eggs out to see what colors we get in a few weeks or so. We named the Blue Cuckoo boy "Hilarious" because of his funny crow-he's quite proud of it and is now a happy fellow with his "girls"

Carol- let me know when you want to pick up that cochin boy.

Have softball and baseball practice for the kids later this afternoon.

Enjoy the day!
We need pictures (if you can!!)
Is this one of those big metal ones????? Lucky you!!!
I would have never found her had you not posted the other two pictures! Wow! Great photos. I presume she's sitting on a nest?
I think she has about 12 eggs under her..... I had 4 going in the incubator and she had about 7 under her. We pulled two duds so I tossed the eggs from the incubator under her (she does a better job that I could....). I'll do an egg count later tonight.

I completely forgot that the Solar Roo was a hot ticket item as well!
That and the popcorn bowl! I need to get a solar frog for my pond..........
Well, I think I'm second to post that is home from the bash !! (Is there a prize for that???)

Anyway, I startedt to read the posts from yesterday and today and no hard feelings please (really) I kept falling asleep !!! I am exhausted !!! When we got homre we did some chicken chores and decided to take it easy for the rest of the day !!!

So needless to say I'm going to put my laptop down and take a seriouly needed nap !!! Hopefully will have sweet dreams and will post online later to catch up and see if I made any sense while typing this message !!!

You guys worn me out last night !!! Geez, I fell asleep maybe 4 times now just trying to type this,.................................Ooops, make that 5 times now !!!

Later before I nod off again !!!

Well I brought back a cochin boy and girl from Sweetfolly. Also brought home 10, 4 day old quails from Jim. Everything I brought home is really pretty, I'll post pics soon. I brought the solar rooster for my gift and went home with the chicken popcorn bowl. Oh and the kids love the book marker FM. I also brought home soap. Thanks BL4
Fm- Too funny! I'm glad you got one. Go get the piggy too, I think its cute too. Glad you were there yesterday, I would have been lost without you.
BL4- cool picture, I love it when they bury themselves in the hay. Ive seen the solar frogs. That would be cool by a pond.
Otherwise had a great time yesterday. Great time talking and sharing with everyone. Well I'm off to go get something for supper. Have a great night everyone!
Edited to add pics of the roo and hen I got and also the solar roo. (I have one of my own)


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Ford Mommy, i regret not trading for the beautiful rose rug. I have been trying to put labels on my chickens, but they keep falling off. That was a chicken labeler, right?
Thanks for the pics and the Bash stories for far!!! I can't wait for more!! I am so going to the Bash next year!!!

Well, I met a very nice young lady named Anna on Friday. She was eating at the local Subway Edgerton with her family and we over heard the word chicken. So, dh stopped by their table and introduced himself and found out that she keeps her chickens just down the road from me! One thing lead to another and I asked if she had any fertile eggs-which she did!!!! So I asked her if she would be willing to part with some since Emma is broody. She said sure!!! So today she gave us a ring and brought by 6 eggs-3 large fowl eggs and three bantam eggs. So, I put then under Emma tonight and she is setting tight to her nest. If all goes well, we should have chicks July 17. Anna also in a BYC member but is not on the Cheesehead thread. I told her to come on over and she can hang with all of us other chicken crazy people!!

Well, I'm going to get ready for bed early tonight. I weeded that garden, pruned the tomatoes, tore up the turnips-they did nothing but bolt! I also watered the garden and container veggies. We had BBQ'd steaks tonight with corn on the cob and baked beans then some hot fudge sundaes. I'm tired!!

Have a great night!
well, I made it home about 1PM today.. I could hardly keep my eyes open to drive. I got online and did the same thing that FT did.. I kept falling asleep.. I would wake up with the cheeseheads posts scroled all the way to the bottom .. 3 times!! LOL I went upstairs and took a nap..

Dave, that rooster is huge next to my Delaware..

I am going to keep him separated from my main rooster.. they are "greeting" each other through the cyclone fence. I do not want either one to get hurt..

I checked the garden.. looks like everything came up.. the weeds are not too bad,,,,,yet.. I was going to rototil when I got home, but the nap and then a lack of ambition got in the way ..

Annie said that the great grandkids fell in love with my green tractor.. naturally, they switched on the lights and my battery is dead.. but THEY had a ball !!!!

the guineas are about finished hatching 46 out of 48 and one to help will make it 47.. these are the guinea lady's batch.. I will get half of whatever hatches out of the next 36 (iffy) eggs..

Brent, I left my large mixing spoon , whisk , and pancake turner in the lodge.. I suppose I can pick them up next year..?? we are going to have it at the same place again, right? It clocked out to be 64 miles from the lodge to my house..

we could have it someplace else, but you would play he!! trying to beat this campground..


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