Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good evening folks! Went shopping for a bit with my BFF. It has been nice because she usually travels with her job but has worked from home for November...we are having coffee again next week!
Then she goes back to Hebing(?) MN to work.
I have family in Hibbing!!

Dan, BigFam, BL4, hate to break the bad news, but the pie is scarfed. A shame, more wine and cherry pie woulda been nice...we have given up on this sorry excuse of a game.
But I suppose I should post the pie recipe??
Hi All!

FT... Hope your pies turn out good! Those carrots sound great I think I'll try that for Xmas!

SR.... I never let kittens or pups go before the are 8 weeks. Even if they are eating well they need that time for social skills. DrH got his one day short of 9 weeks. Mom is still calling them for "snacks" twice a day but doesn’t let them nurse long. I know Ragdolls are on the large side, but you kittens look bigger at 6 weeks than mine do at 9! It would be cool to see them together.

TO... Glad the house got clean without too much damage! :gig Guess if your missing anything, it's a trip to the barn :p That saddle cover looks so comfy! I didn't ride that much in cold weather but I remember sticking to the saddle (in shorts) too often. Looks like it would be nice on the butt too!

JJ... sucks about the deer... didn't you try calling them? "Here Deer, Here Deer... come visit my freezer!"

Jim... You could go into business building all that good stuff! I know, you retired from it.... but still.... you got all of us drooling over it! WOW. If DrH want's to eat kitties... he's going to have to grow them out a bit!

oto..... AHHHHHH!!!!!! Demon cat! LOL

Guess that's it..... Time for bed... I hope... night all!
good morning, I would rather have a pathetic win over that pathetic loss.. I couldn't take any more after NY didn't go for the points in the last 4 minutes.. then they toyed with the Pack for the last 3 minutes like a cat with a mouse.. Kill it, for heaven's sake !!!!!!!!! How embarrassing,,,

one more and then I am off the subject... WHY does the pack always try to run straight through the middle ? is just in case the runner might break through some imaginary hole ?

that pecan pie looked like a bunch of beetles at a convention.. bet it was delishioso..

No Chris, kittens are the "quail" of the furry fare..

My dad worked with a man at the saw mill back in the 20's.. the man called cats, "roof rabbits". he did eat them.. times were hard and it was meat..

TerriO, just add a pillow and a coffee pot and you could ride all night..

speaking of coffee,, mine should be done,, I can smell it.. brb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

OK, that is much better,, now going to search for more pictures.. I am afraid if I skip a day, I will forget how..


OK, pics d'jour: these photos were taken with my old camera.. not such good quality..
this is the brooder pen in the big lean to pen.. Note: no legs on it .. (or the ones in the main pen either) it is hung from the wall.. makes it easier to shovel underneath for cleaning..

the sliding doors on this one are made from a recycled shower door.. you can see the track under the overhang in the bottom picture..

I used the glass from the shower door to make an opaque window.. NOT shown in this set of pictures.. you cannot see out of the window, but it lets in a lot of light..
don't feel bad Heather she didn't answer my turkey loaf question either,,,

and WHY would you not go for a 4th and a foot,,,instead let a lame arse kicker try a 55yd boot in the wind??? I knew it would be downhill from that play onward,,,,,,,,

And why can't the Badgers just go for 2 when they score in the forth????/

2 weeks in a row.
Good Blustery Morning All! Jim they don't taste like chicken at all.
Mostly dark meat but I like dark meat. Think they slept through the night, I did for sure. After drying them off and blow drying them with the wood stove blower they fell asleep on the heating pad. The B/W one was shivering so that really helped him. Yup Cindy the oil made it's presence known but the bath helped. He's still licking his backside quite often. Good clean puppy! Play time is about over sitting here with one sleeping behind me in the chair. Haven't decided on names yet but the black one was Toby for awhile
Taz is absolutely livid. She slept with us all night and only got up once and came right back. She's perched on top of the highest dresser right now. Almost think she's scared of the little terrors. BF4me Run Forest Run! BL4 trimmed and styled ya that's me.
FT made a note something about a carrot but after 9 pages the reference is gone. Have agree ODrH that's a great pic! MLH "oreo"
Bryan called while on our way back and said we had to stop. Nice HUGE 8 ptr hanging [well mostly] He was here and my neighbor came walking through looking for a doe they had hit the night before so Bry went to another friends house and got him there. BIG bodied deer! He's having a head mount done. That's all I can think of right now. Yup Cindy that oil/fennel makes for some BAD kitty gas! I keep looking for a pile and nothing. They're both sleeping by me and it's not good! Not even going to say anything about the Pack or the Badgers. Saw both games is all.
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Kitties look so cute! You are going to have a blast Dr H.
Brrr chores this morning were not fun at all. I did not spend much time outside. Long under ware did not seem to help.
I am going back out to try to spend some time.

Morning all!
Just finishing up the java before I hit the coop for chores. I got 7 yes 7 yes yesterday!!! I think that makes everyone who is not a seasonal layer laying!

FT- Actually the patents for the eye ointments are no longer in effect as far as Brand name vs. OTC (generic). I asked my vet about it since I needed some Otomax a few months back at it was so expensive. Anyway what she told me was that there were a few companies that made it and when the economy tanked they went out of business. Plus a number of the ingredients are hard to get since those same companies made the components for the ointments as well. So I think she said that here in the US there is only one company that can make it but even they are having trouble getting the components. Plus since they are now generic the money is no longer there to entice them to make it in vast amounts.
I'm not sure if you can get something out of Canada or not. I remember working at the vet clinic the US went through an issue with Bute. So we got it from a Canadian source or we had to have it compounded by a company out of Louisianna. They also make a spiffy bute that was powdered and apple flavored. It was awesome.

Jim-Nice pics!

David-Love the Demon Kitty pic!

Amy-I have to say when I saw your pie pic the first thing that came into mind was a scene from True Blood. Anyway, that pie looked fabulous!

Well, I've gotta get going....later all!
Ok, 60o and steaks on the barbie 3 days ago and 11o this morning????
This is definitely NOT funny Mother Nature! The added inch of snow over night to boot didn't help either. sigh. Just came in from checking on my chooks and got seriously yelled at for not letting them outside but it's only warmed up to a balmy 14o and I have no idea of the windchill
The cat and dog are both getting cabin fever and taking turns chasing each other from one end of the house to the other so it sounds like a stampede in here.

Nothing else. Probably a day of cyber shopping and reading on my kindle Too cold for anything else. Got to go dig something to bake out of the freezer to warm the house up. Oh, and of course some serious drooling over the chickie catalogs

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