Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Pumpkin-Chocolate-Cheesecake Pie

1 recipe deep dish pie pastry:
1 1/2 c flour
1/4 t salt
Mix flour & salt then cut in 6 T shortening/lard, add water and fluff w/ fork until dough is moist. Form into ball, roll out to 13-inch circle.

12 oz (1 1/2 pkg) cream cheese, softened
1/4 c sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
3/4 c finely chopped semisweet choc pieces
1 15 oz can pumpkin
2/3 c packed br. sugar
2 t pumpkin pie spice
4 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 c half & half or light cream

Preheat oven to 450. Transfer pastry to 9-10 inch deep dish pie plate. Trim crust edge 1/2 inch beyond plate, flute edge high. Line pastry w/ double thickness foil, bake 8 min. Remove foil, bake 6 min more. Cool, reduce oven to 375.

In med bowl combine cream cheese, 1/4 c sugar, 1 egg; beat on low until smooth. Spread in cooled pastry shell. Sprinkle w/ chopped chocolate.

In bowl combine pumpkin, br. sugar, spice. Stir in 4 eggs. Gradually stir in half & half. Slowly pour pumpkin mixture over choc layer in pie dish. Cover crust edges w. foil.

Bake 60-65 min or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Remove foil, cool on wire rack. Cover and refrigerate w/in 2 hours. Top w/ chopped choc if desired.

Amy-I have to say when I saw your pie pic the first thing that came into mind was a scene from True Blood. Anyway, that pie looked fabulous!
The pecan pie was by BL4, not me. It did look scrumptious! No pics of my pumpkin cheesecake pie but I did post the recipe (mine never turn out as pretty as the magazine pics anyway...)
OK, does anyone have a lead on replacement rubber O rings for poultry waterers?? I need a 4inch ring, and so far all I can find online is $24 for 3 rings shipped, or 1 ring for $15 shipped. Good grief. Might as well buy a new waterer.

Oh joy for frozen water weather. The pond is iced over this morn. The ducks are perplexed; I can almost see the question marks on their faces.
Amy, I bet you could just run to either Fleet, TSC, or a hardware store and get the O ring you need. Just bring the old one with you.

Thanks for the compliments (and beetle remark) on the pie, it was very good. I would have taken pics of my cherry pies but they were a mess! I have this idea that you can MOUND the fruit in the pie without repercussions..... yeah, cherry juice all over the oven.

I have great plans for the day.... too bad my body is cooperating! I managed to get one of those little muscles in your back to cramp up, so every time I take a breath (inhale) it HURTS! I keep trying to expand my lungs as much as possible to get it to go AWAY..... no such luck.

BigFam, try to coax your ducks to stay in with the goats. Put the boys to use and herd the ducks where you want them.... they will get to where you want them.

Stay warm everyone!
Well, we successfully arrived home!

The day prior I noticed (and thanks for the info everyone) the temps at home were below freezing, so I had my friend (that was feeding the cats and has NO experience with chickens) check the water. It was indeed frozen and she had her husband break the ice and clear it out. On our way home yesterday, we stopped at our local feed shop to get a heated waterer and food.

While there we met a guy that moved from Texas to about a mile south of us about 2 months ago. He has 6 hens and 4 kids. We exchanged numbers and I am excited (as is he) to have the potential for a chicken sitter!!!!!

Anyways, we also went to Ace to buy timers. When we got home (after we unloaded the car) we switched out the waterers and cleaned out the egg box as some eggs had cracked and the box was a bit nasty. I brushed all the contents from the box into the coop area then shoveled about half of the dirty pine shaving out of the coop and into the run area then put in fresh cravings. Oh the chickies were happy! I set up the light to automatically go on a bit before dawn and off just after dusk. The other timer that we purchased has a remote. I plan to use this one for the lamp that I'll use if it get too cold out (that way I don't have to go outside to turn it on
). Both timers were a steal due to Christmas sales.

I checked the water this morning and am happy to report, no frozen water!

BBP-I sent you a PM regarding the trucks that you posted.

Otherwise, I should go back to work. I'll check in later.
OK, does anyone have a lead on replacement rubber O rings for poultry waterers?? I need a 4inch ring, and so far all I can find online is $24 for 3 rings shipped, or 1 ring for $15 shipped. Good grief. Might as well buy a new waterer.

Oh joy for frozen water weather. The pond is iced over this morn. The ducks are perplexed; I can almost see the question marks on their faces.
Amy, I've bought replacement o-rings at FF. For the 5 gallon plastic waterer with the red top one.
EEEEPPPPP! (Insert total girly screetch!) I bought my Christmas gift to me!!!!

I have been loooooking at Kindles foooooor-ever....so today was the day since it's Cyber Monday. I thought to check them out and low and behold....Amazon has one of their Fire's for $30 bucks off!!! I was going to get their new Paper white but turns out the Fire was a better deal for only about $10 bucks more!!!! EEEEPPPPPPP!!
So I tell DH what I did and he says....There is your Christmas Present dear! I had no idea what to get you and you've been wanting one so Merry Christmas!"
So I guess since he "stole" my gift to me I can give my self another gift....heheheh

Now I just have to wait a few days for it to arrive!!!

OK, does anyone have a lead on replacement rubber O rings for poultry waterers?? I need a 4inch ring, and so far all I can find online is $24 for 3 rings shipped, or 1 ring for $15 shipped. Good grief. Might as well buy a new waterer. :rolleyes:

Oh joy for frozen water weather. The pond is iced over this morn. The ducks are perplexed; I can almost see the question marks on their faces. :p

What type of waterer is it? We may have them on hand at my work. I could send one to you.

Does anyone have COTTON PATCH GEESE to sell? Or expecting to have goslings in the spring?

what is a cotton patch goose ?

this is the large lean to pen on the rear of the garage,, the window is the shower door that I mentioned earlier .. I installed it to the right of the door.. the picture of the door is prior to cutting the window in..
Jim Cotton Patch Geese are really cool. They are an old American Heritage breed that was developed in the South weeds around cotton plants with out killing or consuming the cotton plants. They are great foragers and are very rare. I *think* from what I can remember from the ALBC web site that they were thought to be extinct until a flock was rediscovered.

BBP-I don't know of many places that Cotton Patches are available. They are on my "dream list". Hope you can find some!
Try this link (don't know if it helps you out)


I bet Green Fire might have them for exorbitant amounts of cash.

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