Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

"Or will all that calm down when he looses those teeth or gets fixed? (which I am hoping to do around christmas)"

well it would calm me down,,,

"Poor guy had a blue head and lubricated legs when I was done with him".... (Let's see what you boys can do with THAT statement!)

was this in reference to your prom date?
"Or will all that calm down when he looses those teeth or gets fixed? (which I am hoping to do around christmas)"

well it would calm me down,,,

"Poor guy had a blue head and lubricated legs when I was done with him".... (Let's see what you boys can do with THAT statement!)

was this in reference to your prom date?

It was dark and we were young and inexperienced...:lol:
Chilly Morning all!
LOVE this weather-can't wait for snow!! (Ducks from Vicki's swing).hehehe

The Girls are fine but looked rather forlorn and chilled so I set up a heat lamp for them.
Buzzy has been basking under hers so I am not longer getting glared at by a pheasant every time I go into the coop. Geesh! You;d think I was personally responsible for the winter or something by her glares!

I decided to put another heat lamp up since I have a BO looking pale and under the weather. She was ok yesterday. I'm actually kinds concerned since she is the only on looking off that she might be having egg issues. I have a hen laying very very soft eggs and am wondering if that is her. I'll check on her again later and might have to get DH to help round her up for an exam. She is pretty wild.

The rabbits are loving the cold weather too!

That is about it on the home front. I need to fill bird feeder again and get a heater.deicer for the bird bath. I think I'll have to toddle on over to F&F.

David- Sorry to hear your feeling under the weather.....hope you feel better soon.

Snooze-Those roosters sound as if they are some form of Game Fowl cross. Old English most likely.

Cind-Thanks! I cannot wait to get my Kindle! I have been drooling for over a year-almost two. I've wanted on ever since they came out and were like $400 bucks! I kept waiting and over the years the prices has dropped. Especially then the Nook came out. Now the "same" Kindle that was so expensive all those years ago is now only $70-ish. Amazing what a few short years, some competition and new technology does to drive priced down! LOL!

Kristi-BigFam is spot on in the puppy play department! Your pup sees your kids as his litter mates. That is why he sees you as alphas and the kids are "fair game" to dominate. The kids need to stop playing with hands and just with toys. When he get to ruff, stop all play. Also have the kids start training him basic commands. Being a herding breed his is whip smart and at his age he can start his training with the basics. His attention span is the biggest problem there since it will be the size of a gnat, but it will get longer and longer the more he ages. My first Aussie was completely house broken at 8 weeks of age. He only had two accidents right after he was neutered. The anesthesia was hard on him and he peed in his bed he was so out of it.
He came in #2 in his obedience class. He technically was #1 for the puppies but he got the top award snagged out from under him by a "sleeper". An adult Pappion (sp?) named Red. Red was a rescued puppy mill breeder who just sat under his moms chair the whole class. He was there for socialization and when it came time for the big graduation test, Red aced it. We were very happy for him. His biggest accomplishment was to play with the Weimeraner pup that was always next to him in class. Red decided he was ok and initiated play for the first time in his life. It was so cool!!!!

Well, best get gone....Later!
good morning,, not too with it yet.. just want to comment on the chew toy hands.. NO ,, not allowed.. and NO he will not get over it.. Your kids have to be the ones to be trained.. If they don't learn to train the dog, it is going to be tougher for you.. Everybody in the house has to let the dog know they are Alpha to him.. and the sooner the better..

one of the best exercises when the dog is noughty, is hold him down to the floor by his neck until he quits struggling.. It doesn't hurt him, but it teaches him that you are top dog..

Good morning! Man I slept HARD last night...finally got out of bed at 9!!! I actually was up earlier (like 5) then fell asleep like the dead. I am still groggy after reading 20 posts, a cup of coffee, feeding dogs, cats and inside birds/torts and finding the wandering beagle! Sheesh, now I feel like I am ready for a nap! LOL!

Snoozter I think the one bird you described that the guy got from a hatchery is probably a male of the red sex-linked variety. The others I agree some type of OE game cross. I have a ton of them around here! They are of my wild chicken population.

Jim that pluckers gears look way cooler in person!

Kris I agree about that pup too. I tend to be a little rougher in training dogs than some. Your kids may not have big enough hands but I have found if your hand is in the dogs mouth and you give a firm squeeze to the muzzle and say "NO" rather loudly the behavior stops pretty quickly. Please dont fall into the thought process that he will stop all bad things "when he gets neutered." Every time anyone is reacting to him now you are training him; for good or for bad and that will not stop after the surgery!

Our plumbing is frozen today!!! This is the first time it has EVER happened in November! Usually we dont freeze up until it is below zero. I guess I have to battle my way into the downstairs "bathroom" and see what's up. I have a feeling that the heat tape is unplugged (or chewed through!) Fun times in this old house for sure!

I just heard on the radio that the top toy this year is the Furby. I guess it is from the 90s...is that that creepy one with the big plastic eyes that blink and it talks? I cant remember...guess I better google it so I am up to speed hey? LOL! Like if....

I am hearing Tommy sneezing again! Dam^--it sounds like a hick-up? But maybe a little bubbly. He is eating and his poop is normal too. No discharge from eyes or nairs. I am tired of sick looking critters! Clarenc (the male tort) went back down under the sand yesterday...Rita is up and crawling about. I need to see if I can find that eye ointment. Oh yeah, I have to check the tortoise trust board too and see what their reply says.
Sounds like another day of fun...Tuesday is my riding day...hmmm--gonna need my big coveralls and heated socks if we go for sure! Guess I better get a move on here--daylight's a wastin'

Stay toasting while having a great day! TerriOreallythingingaboutmovingthefurnitureagain
thanks gang.... we have started some of those skills with Packer pup but as stated... kids are harder to train than the dog!
In the morning and sometimes when they get home from school he goes through a crazy period. Just wants to play rough. I grab the rope toy and play tug and try to tell the kids that if they are getting on the floor, which means play to the dog, they need to have a toy or bone in hand to put in his mouth when he bites. We tell them to firmly say no bite ( Morgan likes to gigle and say it gently so really working on her) and stick the toy in mouth instead of hand or shirt or whatever else he is grabbing. sometimes getting a thwap on the top of the nose. I told them we should start loud puppy whining when they get bit because he stops and looks at you when you do that. I remember we did that wiht our last dog.

he is 13 weeks and we are working hard at it. He gets the whole potty training, just training us. He goes to the door and whines once quietly as he is not a barky dog... if you miss it, there could be an accident. Today I missed it and he pooped 3 feet from me because we were getting late for the bus... my error. Just took him outside nad he peed good. poor guy. School mornings that I work are rough. But we are all learning the routine too. And with snortly kids, things go slower than normal.

thanks for the tips. Glad to hear them and any others as we enter a dog journey with kids!
Seriously, -1 in November????
Well, at least it's warming up fast. Now a balmy 20o
Only chook brave enough to pop out this morning was Crockpot of course.

MLH~Great job on your Christmas present!!! You're going to love going for the better one~a warning about your Kindle. Mine arrived last week (Kindle fire HD Christmas gift from hubby-I kicked in the extra money and went for the 8.9) and I can't leave the thing alone!!!!! I have already claimed a bunch of free books and apps and even got the "tips and tricks" and 2013 User's Guide" for free yesterday as part of the Cyber Monday thing. and you MUST get on the daily newsletter lists to get all the freebies!!! Especially KindleNationDaily on FB or @ www.kindlenationdaily.com
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OMG will the hatching NEVER stop??? I went out to feed the horses their lunch and I heard peep peep peep! Yup--the hen in thye hay hatched her eggs. I caught her this time though...brought her and her 7 chicks down into the "safe room" Since I havent ordered the oxine yet I sure hope that the germs are out of there! That is the pen where I had all the losses earlier last month. So I also moved the last egg she was waiting for cause it was still warm...never know (and I REALLY need more chicks!) I tossed the two that had fallen down from the mow...they would have hatched too I am sure and the chick that had already jumped and was frozen. Her nest is right on a ledge of hay about 20' up....glad I had the ladder leaning up there for sure!

Then I come in here to thaw my face out and DH calls...he is going to Memphis tonight! Driving no less...I do say the man loves to drive!
So I just had to share that report with you all...now I am going down to work on the plumbing (still frozen) then I should be thawed out enough to go back out and run water!

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