Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

Just the fact that these young men put baseball bats and 2s4s in their car tells me that this vandalism was premeditated. They were obviously out for the night to have a good time. I still wonder why a 14 year old was with three 18 year olds and out so late. I'd bet they had been into mischief before. True, parents can't be everywhere or know everything, but discipline is needed here or they will be in jail later on--things escalate.

And I don't see why the burden is put upon the OP to decide their fate, as Ranchhand said. I think the police should make that call against unlawful behavior.
My son is a good, kind kid. He did something stupid at 15 and damaged some property. His dad and stepmom have "connections." Against my opinion, they got him off with a slap on the wrist (appeared in juv court and did community service). The next time he made a" stupid kid mistake;" they intervened again, and again, and again...
My son is 21 now. He is old enough to know better, but continues to make similar mistakes because he learned he would get bailed out, instead of learning how to accept responsibilty for his actions. My fear is that someone will end up getting hurt, or worse, during one of his relapses if he comes across someone rightfully protecting their property.
I'm very sorry that you find yourself in the middle of this, and am very grateful that they did not see you. I'm sure you will do the right thing, according to your beliefs.
Even though they were unaware of your presence, their actions still made you fear for your safety.
I am very thankful that you weren't harmed. Good luck!
As an adult that was once a seriously delinquent youngster, I think they should be punished, but not to the fullest extent. To charge these kids with a federal felony could hurt them for a large part of their lives, there are lesser charges that could be expunged later on if they behave.

My parents taught me right from wrong and would have thrown me in jail if I would have ever got caught doing half of what I did. I was lucky, I was not caught. My brother did the dirty mailbox deed and was busted by my mother, she made him and his accomplises go to everyone on the street, apologise and rebuild /replace each and every mailbox. He was lucky, if those people would have pressed federal charges on him I am not sure he would have grown into the responsible parent and adult he is now.

I personally would not press charges, but that is just my opinion.
3 of them were adults with a minor accompanying them. I say don't hit the minor with the felony, hit the adults with everything plus contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Once a human being reaches 18, there is no reason for wanton acts of stupidity to go un-punished.

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3 of them were adults with a minor accompanying them. I say don't hit the minor with the felony, hit the adults with everything plus contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Once a human being reaches 18, there is no reason for wanton acts of stupidity to go un-punished.


Well, I don't know about you Boyd, but I was still a juvenile delinquent well into my 20s, and believe it or not at dang near 50 I think I have grown up and become a responsible adult! I would charge the 18 yros with vandelism, destruction of property, etc. make them pay restitution and do community service, but the felony federal charge...no. Even at 18 they are still young enough to grow-up responsible, but prison will not help.
Part of the problem is that we still treat 18 year olds like children. They are not children. They are adults and should bear all the consequences of adulthood. Quite frankly, I think from age 16 and up you should bear the same consequences for behavior. Sixteen year olds are well aware when they are breaking the law and behaving badly. Letting them off easy only encourages behavior to escalate. IMHO

Like someone else said, I bet there are some other options beyond no punishment and the full prosecution. I would explore what your options are. Can you prosecute or have them prosecuted without it being directly linked to you? There were a ton of mailboxes damaged. Can everyone bind together on this so YOU are not a target? I would be concerned as a single woman living alone that they would come back for retribution. Please be careful! Have you considered a guard dog?

Your safety is the utmost priority, but I would be ticked off at myself if these hellions got away with this because I was afraid of what they would come back to do. That gives the little punks the power just because they are stronger. Might does not equal right.

Talk to the cops and see what all the options are. Make an informed choice. And by all means, PROTECT YOURSELF!!! Don't make us send Boyd over with his squirrels.
I grew up pretty decently and never got into trouble, but some of my childhood buddies did find trouble. Probally the reason my parents gave me a 10:00 curfew at 18. I do think although 18 is considered an adult the mindset of an 18 year old isn't thinking like an " adult" that being said I do believe they need to be punished for vandalizing. I don't think they need a federal felony but no slap on the wrist either. I'd find out your options and do what your heart tells you is right.

Maybe you could come to an agreement with the parents. I'm still confused as to why a parent lets their 14 year old out this late, maybe a sibling to the 18 year old but where were his parents at 3:00 am? I think they've done things before but never been caught imo
This reminded me of:

John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
It is not a high degree felony according to me legal eagle friend, and people get low felonies removed from their record all the time, if they behave themselves.

It is a 4th class felony, that is like nothing, it is one very small step up from a misdemeanor. Kids get charged with this for tampering with mailboxes all the time. One of the ill people I used to volunteer for got a felony four for breaking a window in a bar. Short time in jail, probation, that's it. But he doesn't break any windows any more.
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My opinion is that this was the first time they got caught. I would definitely press charges and make them KNOW this is not acceptable behavior. True, they might get off with community service, but either way, at least they will not just be 'let off'.

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