Women in combat...

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The likelyhood of a draft is almost nonexistent. I really think that combat has been reduced to operating drones and other technical warfare. The exception may be special forces and then as long as they do not water down the requirements from current levels like they did with firefighters then I have no problem with women in combat... but I would ponder their womanhood... Somehow I cannot see a woman deficating in her pants as a sniper to not reveal her position. I think that those that support the idea probably have no real understanding of what may be required of them and that concerns me a little. Women that prefer combat positions is all fine and dandy but throwing the draft equation in even if it just means registering somehow I don't think the majority of american women will be thrilled about it.
Combat has def. not reduced to operating drones and tech. warfare. 4/4 Cav lost eight soldiers (could be 1-2 more) alone last time they deployed. Every single one was when they were out on foot patrol and they either got into a fire fight or one stepped on a mine or tripped a IED. Some died instantly some took eleven month . About female snipers, russia and israel have very successfully used female snipers , even in WW2.
We have women firefighters, police, CIA, FBI, Doctors, Paramedics, all put their lives at risk daily, most see combat, and are not restricted due to what gender they possess.

The fact is, women see combat in the military, but because they could not be apart of an official combat unite, they could not rise up the ranks and gain certain promotions.

So we still have women getting killed, seeing combat, fighting, but they are classified in such a way that they can't get promotions to increase their benefits for seeing the same horrors as the men see?

It isn't about women in combat, it's about keeping qualified women from presenting competition for better jobs in the military, it is about an antiquated notion of femininity and masculinity, it is about inequality and the desire to control another group of human beings.

I am fine with women allowed in combat and all of the perks and draw backs that come with it.

I'm going with close but no cigar. During the civil rights movements for women the government was going to have women sign up for the draft and combat but a lot of the female rights groups did not want to see combat. And so it was never instituted. I believe if there is a draft even though I disagree with the draft both men and women sign up for it. Military propaganda commercials are going strong and are getting recruits but when they run out there will be a draft. Not enough volunteers for Vietnam so it can happen again if there is another war the country is against.
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The likelyhood of a draft is almost nonexistent. I really think that combat has been reduced to operating drones and other technical warfare. The exception may be special forces and then as long as they do not water down the requirements from current levels like they did with firefighters then I have no problem with women in combat... but I would ponder their womanhood... Somehow I cannot see a woman deficating in her pants as a sniper to not reveal her position. I think that those that support the idea probably have no real understanding of what may be required of them and that concerns me a little. Women that prefer combat positions is all fine and dandy but throwing the draft equation in even if it just means registering somehow I don't think the majority of american women will be thrilled about it.
I'm just trying to understand, if a woman did defecate in her pants because she was a sniper, does that make her less of a woman in your eyes or that you don't think women would do that because it was "gross"?

I guess I also don't see how the draft argument comes into play (with all arguments) when drafts don't happen anymore, and even if there were don't they select people to perform a task to the best of their ability? I had some pretty scrawny and tiny boys in my senior class, I couldn't see them being sent to combat. But I digress, I don't know much about the military. To me, it's much ado about nothing.
All boys have to sign up with selective service, ie, the draft. I think all girls should have to also. I think that women should have the opportunity to join combat units, in combat position. And I'll even take it one step further; I think we a draft for every 18-year-old in this country. A draft with no deferments, no exceptions except for obvious health issues. This draft should also have a very liberal interpretation of "conscientious objector" so that anyone who does not do military service does some other type of service: inner city schools, nursing homes, forest service, etc. This would give every man, woman and child in this country a real stake in how our military is deployed, and for what reasons. It would be a lot harder to send in the military on dubious intel if you knew you would have to answer to every American parent, including all the members of congress, and the members state governments.
Draft might make politicians think twice before starting another war. The backlash could cost them their careers.
All boys have to sign up with selective service, ie, the draft. I think all girls should have to also. I think that women should have the opportunity to join combat units, in combat position. And I'll even take it one step further; I think we a draft for every 18-year-old in this country. A draft with no deferments, no exceptions except for obvious health issues. This draft should also have a very liberal interpretation of "conscientious objector" so that anyone who does not do military service does some other type of service: inner city schools, nursing homes, forest service, etc. This would give every man, woman and child in this country a real stake in how our military is deployed, and for what reasons. It would be a lot harder to send in the military on dubious intel if you knew you would have to answer to every American parent, including all the members of congress, and the members state governments.
While an obligatory community service of some sort for everyone is a nice idea, it rubs against the very notion of freedom in our country.
I volunteer because I choose to. Had I been forced to do so my contrary nature would have been rearing its ugly head. Especially since at the age of 18 was a time I had gone back to high school after illness forced me to drop out, plus i started caring for my rapidly ailing mother, and preparing to sign my first mortgage. Forcing me into community service would have over whelmed me and I likely would have had to drop out of high school to handle that extra piece of obligation.

I do feel schools should make basic volunteering or community service as part of the curriculum, and that it is important for parents to instill helping others in their children. Not talking about it,but going out as a family to do some sort of community service work. It is sad to see my parents involving me in volunteer work as a child was not the norm for other families in the area. But I can not condone the idea of it becoming an obligation for every person at a certain age.
The likelyhood of a draft is almost nonexistent. I really think that combat has been reduced to operating drones and other technical warfare. The exception may be special forces and then as long as they do not water down the requirements from current levels like they did with firefighters then I have no problem with women in combat... but I would ponder their womanhood... Somehow I cannot see a woman deficating in her pants as a sniper to not reveal her position. I think that those that support the idea probably have no real understanding of what may be required of them and that concerns me a little. Women that prefer combat positions is all fine and dandy but throwing the draft equation in even if it just means registering somehow I don't think the majority of american women will be thrilled about it.
I dont believe things need to be watered down to accomadate women in combat. Even the war machine that once was Rome had to learn that when they faced the unbeatable woads of England, whose fighting base was just as heavily female as male.
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