Women Only! Need some Woman problem help

"S" releases endorphins into the system and endorphins pretty much make everything feel better. Sometimes that isn't an option though.
I had endometriosis surgery about 5 years ago, and it was a freaking LIFESAVER. There are a few other symptoms that often go with it and point to it, and I hit most of them. For some women, BC does help regulate it, for others, child bearing helps. Mine is starting to act like it wants to come back, but so far it's fairly mild.

Most of my endo "spots" were on the back of my uterus, on my bladder and on my bowel, so ever time it was that time of the month, they would shed just like the lining in the uterus, and it would wreak all sorts of havoc inside my lower abdomen (massive swelling/bloating, fever, serious pain going to the bathroom, leg numbness, and just all around horrible horrible pain. The pain was about equal to when I had appendicitis - every single month.)

Now, I might have to take a couple Advil the first day, but that's it. I can handle that
2 aleve liquigels, but it takes at least 2 hours before they start to help. Ibuprofen and advil don't help me much, and I understand pain! I've seen my PCP about it already, they've not done anything evasive though so they're still not sure what's up. But I have bad pain on the "flow", I have pain throughout the month (specially when I ovulate, they have a german name for that pain) and I have pain during S. I was on BC but it changes me badly, I change mentally and physically (I gained weight and hated things that I normally wouldn't). Of course BC was not a choice, though the doc definitely was pushing for me to go back on it (funny I'd still cramp on BC!). So, he prescribed me naproxen (prescription strength aleve) for the pain during S and I take it whenever I start my "flow", it still doesn't help much so I enjoy warm bubble baths but the pain just comes back as soon as I'm out of the water!
I have been dealing with severe (wanting to curl up and die, puking my brains out) cramps and heavy bleeding to the point of anemia since I was 11. I also get severe migrains during this time. I have had every test possible and have been on every type of birth control available and nothing has helped. All the doctors say it is just normal for me.

The best thing for me is to plan ahead. A few days beforehand I start taking 2 advil 4 times a day and exercising more. When it finally hits I increase the advil to 4 at a time. This is kind of strange but I have found that the best type of exercise is cutting lawn. For some reason pushing the lawn mower helps the most. No matter how bad the cramps are - trust me I know exactly what you're talking about - you have to stay active. Laying around will only make the cramps worse and last longer.

You really should go to the doctor to rule out any medical conditions first just to be safe. Try planned parenthood. Good luck! Hope you feel better.
I have had horrible periods for 22+ years. I have had D&Cs, have been on pain meds, you name it... they won't take it out because I'm not "anemic". My periods are so painful that it is like having a baby every month, only now I am 48 so it's like having a baby every 2 to 3 weeks or so. They tell me it's "normal". I have been fired from 3 jobs in my adult life because of missing work as I have to take the first 1-2 days off for my period almost every single month (unless I'm lucky enough to start on my day off). Even though my tubes are tied, I was on birth control pills to regulate my period for a few years, only now I am in my late 40s and if I take them now, I have a better than 50% chance of getting breast cancer if I take hormonal supplements because my mother died from cancer.

If you find a way to combat the pain, please share it. If I had a nickel for every time I asked (BEGGED!!) one of my doctors for a hysterectomy, I could probably pay for the surgery outright. Even when I had great insurance that covered it, I just was told no, that it's not considered medically necessary unless your hemoglobin drops (i.e., if you become anemic). Apparently, 22+ years of constant monthly pain and 3 lost jobs isn't enough justification for most insurance companies to pay for the hysterectomy.
I always found that the activity did help my cramps also. It sucked because I also had terribly heavy bleeding that lasted forever but as much as I felt like just lying in a ball and crying it did me more good to get up and do something to work some of the pain out. Advil helped some also and I always found that keeping to taking it on a schedule was a big factor in keeping the pain at a tolerable level. My mother always used to say that it is easier to keep the pain away than to make it go away when it is already bad.

Thank goodness I don't have to deal with this anymore since I had a hysterectomy a year ago. I started having periods that lasted for 40 days at a time, so we decided that the surgery was the way to go. Good luck with your troubles. I hope you find something that works for you.

**edited because I can't spell worth a darn!
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It is amazing the difference in care. Have you ever had an ablation? I actually had one that failed, so I am probably not the best commercial for it but I have had a few friends who had one that woked very well for them. I had that procedure done in February along with having my tubes tied but my periods came back in a few months. My doctor told me that she was afraid that it might not work because I showed signs of Adenomyosis, when my period came back again a few months later and again lasted for over 30 days she suggested we just go ahead with the hysterectomy. I am only 35, and my cousin who has terrible endometriosis just had a hysterectomy at 27. She had horrible issues though, extreme pain etc..

The funny thing is that even though I have had the hysterectomy I still have one day per month where I spot a little bit. Not enough to be an issue but I never thought I would have anything left to spot with. My body is just determined I guess.

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