Wonderful Wells Fargo


9 Years
May 23, 2010
SE Minnesota
My bank just found another way to take $ from the poor guys....Coming soon....
If you don't maintain a $1500 daily balance in your checking account or direct deposit at least $500 in a monthly statement, they will take a monthly fee of i think $7.
Now that doesn't seem like a lot of money, but If a customer gets hurt, ill or loses a job, the last thing we need is to worry about the bank sucking even more $ out of our dwindling accounts.
Thanks Wells Fargo for finding a way to take money from your customers when the hard times hit them.
Nothing like driving to chemo or job hunting then having to worry about shopping for a new bank that offers TRUE free checking......
this is just my opinion.
Sadly, shopping for another bank is the only choice in that situation. There's usually some bank trying to snag new customers with a promo, but check the fine print to see if it will last.
My bank did that. I switched to another. I was furious as I had been with the original bank for over 30 years. I deserved better than that.
My mom is dealing with new fees at another bank and is also bank shopping. They are going to start charging $4.00 a month if they use their debit card at all - not just if they use it to withdraw cash or "X" amount of times. Plus a yearly fee. So she is pulling her mortgage, line of credit and all her money from that bank and probably going with a credit union or something local.
USAA is the best! They have free checking and even pay you back some of your ATM fees monthly. Online banking and Online check depositing, you NEVER have to go to a teller for anything and if you call them with a question they have great customer service!
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This is who we recommended to my mom but she is old fashioned and likes to have a physical building and people to talk to.

Then I would open a savings account at a local credit union so she can cash checks etc and do the rest with USAA
We have been with them for over 10 years ZERO issues.
That is so funny. I just got off the phone with Wells Fargo. I was with Wachovia (which I loved), when they merged with Wells Fargo. I have a couple of accounts, and some I keep very little money in. I saw their fee schedule, and I decided no way they are taking that money from me. So I called to close the accounts. One girl didnt know what to do, so she transferred me to someone else. He looked at my accounts, laughed, and said, "you're grandfathered in, you have no fees at all on these accounts, and they can only charge you fees by giving you several months notice, and sending you a letter before hand stating that. So far you're good"

So I guess Ill stay...for now.

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