Wood burning stove fiasco



Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
So we bought a wood burning stove in October and it still hadnt been installed as of last week. The store never answered the phone or email so we finally went in. They gave us some sob story of people getting covid, back orders and a truck blowing up. My fiancee accepted their story and shortly after he left the store they called to schedule an install.

Two men in a company van showed up this morning. They were dirty looking and had bloodshot eyes. Not to stereotype but they just looked like drug addicts. Either way we didnt argue because we have been waiting on this forever. They brought in the stove and while I was at work they hooked it up (my fiancee was home to monitor the install). I came home excited to see a new chimney on my roof and went down to the basement to find this:

A beautiful wood stove!

...hooked up with a dryer vent hose. :smack According to my fiancee, they had the proper kit with them and didnt use it. We were also charged for the proper kit, at least 3 things that were not used in the chimney installation AND three of the chimney ducts are dented. I asked why he didnt say anything and he said "I'm not gonna argue with a meth head. I'll just call their boss". Honestly I would have called their boss while they were here, but my fiancee is not very assertive. Now we have our woodburner...but we cant use it. In addition to that I went to lock up the coop tonight and one of my new hens was simply missing. I looked everywhere and couldnt find her. I'm hoping she turns up tomorrow morning but I'm guessing something just swooped down and took her. Regardless the company will have to make this right but I'm furious on multiple levels:mad:
Wow. Just wow. :th
I know right? We've been waiting since OCTOBER and we still can't burn due to this incompetence. They were highly unprofessional too. They took 3 smoke breaks, left to "go to the hardware store" and peed off the side of my house.

My fiancee said I'm not allowed to go in and complain because he knows I'll "cause a scene". Either way when this is all over I will tell people to steer clear of them and perhaps recommend to them to drug test their contractors. Had we not known and burned tonight...this could have burned our house down
So we bought a wood burning stove in October and it still hadnt been installed as of last week. The store never answered the phone or email so we finally went in. They gave us some sob story of people getting covid, back orders and a truck blowing up. My fiancee accepted their story and shortly after he left the store they called to schedule an install.

Two men in a company van showed up this morning. They were dirty looking and had bloodshot eyes. Not to stereotype but they just looked like drug addicts. Either way we didnt argue because we have been waiting on this forever. They brought in the stove and while I was at work they hooked it up (my fiancee was home to monitor the install). I came home excited to see a new chimney on my roof and went down to the basement to find this:
View attachment 2460236
A beautiful wood stove!
View attachment 2460239
...hooked up with a dryer vent hose. :smack According to my fiancee, they had the proper kit with them and didnt use it. We were also charged for the proper kit, at least 3 things that were not used in the chimney installation AND three of the chimney ducts are dented. I asked why he didnt say anything and he said "I'm not gonna argue with a meth head. I'll just call their boss". Honestly I would have called their boss while they were here, but my fiancee is not very assertive. Now we have our woodburner...but we cant use it. In addition to that I went to lock up the coop tonight and one of my new hens was simply missing. I looked everywhere and couldnt find her. I'm hoping she turns up tomorrow morning but I'm guessing something just swooped down and took her. Regardless the company will have to make this right but I'm furious on multiple levels:mad:
Is the dryer vent pipe a fresh air intake, looks like a black vent pipe hooked up too.
Is the dryer vent pipe a fresh air intake, looks like a black vent pipe hooked up too.
Yes the exhaust is metal and the dryer pipe is air intake. According to the install manual the air intake pipe needs to be rated for 350 degrees Fahrenheit. You know...not a dryer pipe. Either way the exhaust is fine. The pipes outside are dented though. And we paid for those to be brand spankin new.
I was thinking your installers saw free chicken dinner, and decided to help themselves.
Glad she's home safe.
On the stove, is it a chain store, or mom and pop place? Is there an owner you can call and talk to? If not, then climb the corporate ladder with your phonecalls.
They're a family owned chain. My fiancee is gonna call them today and hopefully get this resolved. We paid 50 bucks for the proper kit so even if they say what was hooked up is correct we still should be credited for that. According to him not counting the dent pipes theres at least an 800 dollar difference from what they used versus what we were quoted.
I should also say we werent thinking they stole her. They left around 1 and I got home around 4. All 5 of my new hens were in our backyard at 4:30. At 4:45 4 were in the coop and the 5th...poof. Just simply missing. They have been living in that coop since August so I have no idea why all of a sudden she would just take off. I'm gonna name her Rambo or Rogue

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