worming chickens


13 Years
May 29, 2010
Elgin, TX
Hello I just finished dressing 2 six month old maran roos. I noticed that they had intestinal worms in thier intestines (they are thin long and white kinda hairlike) First is it ok to eat the 2 roos, and what dewormer do you reccommend for the rest of my flock. Thanks so much
Should be okay if you have thorougly washed and cooked the birds. Me? I'd use a drop or two of Dawn dishwashing liquid in their water or raw pumpkin seeds in their feed ration or garlic juice in their water. But, then, that's just me.
They do or I wouldn't suggest them!
They worked for my sheep and my cows....never really had to try them with chickens but intestinal worms react the same to these methods in whatever species you use them for. The soap dissolves the protective layer of oils on the worms skin and allows digestive acids to destroy them. The pumpkin seeds have a chemical that temporarily paralyzes the worms and they detach and are flushed out with fecal matter. The garlic is distasteful in the blood to vampiric parasites and they detach. You can try any or all of these methods...you choose.

They will work on you also, if you care to try them.
All of my gardening and feeding habits are organic so I am very excited to try these! I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge about how these practices work.

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