Would a hawk take off with a human baby outside?

994 ,,,,its funny the second time because your laughing at that stupid dad,,,actually DOING IT.AGAIN hahaha ,, even after DaD has seen it on t.v. a million times,,, the idiot STILL does it,,hahahaha,,
,, and the "second" way you explained it is WAY different
. and ya,, it is sad when fatty rolls over her kid, but if both come out of the "rollover" o.k. ,, its a REAL difference from laughing at a kid that just got hurt.

akon who is to tell "when" something is educational? do ya have to be in a classroom to learn something?,,i think the kid with the pet eaten by a bird LEARNED alot...more then he would of learned in a class room,, along with "birds eat pets" he learned his parents are idiots. not ALL learning is nicey nice,,90% of learning is from mistakes, and bad situations,,,but if ALL you learn is in school,,, then kids are in way deep doo-doo. and like i said,,,,how many people LAUGHED at that? how many do ya think had a different reaction instead of laughter? i know when i saw it,,i didnt laugh. and you know what,, my 5 year old learned from that childs bad situation,,,,,,,go ask her to take her pets out,,,bet she wont. so did my child use that video as an educational tool? or would have it been educational if you didnt know it was on funny vidoes, and they just showed that video?.
im not gonna turn this into an argument,, cause it will jus be locked,,,,and that not very educational to anyone.
I agree; if I see something hurting or dying or getting chomped into pieces, it makes me sad. Even the stinking little bugs in my yard, I know they're pests, but I don't want ANYthing big or small to hurt or feel pain (I know, I know, I'm a sucker). The circle of life thing and all is a fact of life and I'm learning......but it sure is sad....
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yes it is very SAD,, but its what keeps us all alive and well,,, without the "killing" disease and overpopulation would have destroyed us a long time ago.
i HATE it when i see things killed,, but i also HATE watching animals starve to death.we should be HAPPY birds know how to kill and feed themselves,,it would be a very sad place without them

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