Would you eat a chicken that died through sickness, or injury?

They try to make that same connection with ebola, ie, that you can get it from eating bush animals like bats. However, they eat bats all of the time in Ivory Coast and that country has never had an occurrence of ebola.
Different bats, different diseases.

Ebola is actually a better example of why you shouldn’t eat diseased animals, since it can be transmitted through body fluids and infected tissue.
Still not perfect since a bat will not show clinical signs of the Ebola virus, while we’re talking about eating obviously sick chickens.

They have actually isolated the HIV virus, but I think we’ve strayed far enough off topic haha.
But does Mareks affect humans?

If intestine had been breached...ummm, no. Glad you didn't get sick.
From what I've read, Mareks doesn't transfer to humans.
The intestines weren't ruptured but it's an important point. The type of injury will have a lot of bearing on whether it's wise to eat it.
Okay...this topic has been morphed into a whole new discussion. :frow
Yup! But all relevant. Zoonotic diseases are important for animals keepers to understand. Not every pathogen is spread the same way.
What if a bat that was hosting the Ebola virus bit a chicken? Would the chicken show symptoms? Could you eat the chicken?

All good questions, but maybe not for this thread. :lol:
They try to make that same connection with ebola, ie, that you can get it from eating bush animals like bats. However, they eat bats all of the time in Ivory Coast and that country has never had an occurrence of ebola.
I was going to make the point of different species of bats, but I felt you wouldn't receive my correction well
Different bats, different diseases.

Ebola is actually a better example of why you shouldn’t eat diseased animals, since it can be transmitted through body fluids and infected tissue.
Still not perfect since a bat will not show clinical signs of the Ebola virus, while we’re talking about eating obviously sick chickens.

They have actually isolated the HIV virus, but I think we’ve strayed far enough off topic haha.

Your doing what scientists do who try to protect an idea: come up with explanations without any evidence for said claims.

Point me to a study that demonstrates HIV isolation.

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