Wow ... Grrr... Sigh Rooster.

i'm sure every situation is different but if I had killed my little buddy when his hormones kicked in instead of taking time to love him then I would have lost out big time View attachment 1215572
I love this photo!!

Henry the Rooster is VERY rooster, and when he began to sexually mature and would attack my ankles and bite hard whenever I entered their home space, I was sad and worried. I became fearful of him. But one day I made a decision to embrace everything about him that can make roosters challenging. I studied his behavior, I walked toward him when he would start to take steps in an effort to attack, I always stood my ground, and I carefully learned when and why he bites.

It's all 100% predictable, but the key is loving him so much you're willing to invest some time just sitting down and quietly observing him. You'll begin to notice patterns, and you'll see some unexpectedly sweet things, too. Soft happy chirps when he discovers a patch of hidden grass under the leaves or insects the others haven't seen yet; protective chatter when you take something from his chicken run or coop that he identifies as his; and the shear number of hours each day he's just another chicken in the yard, foraging for nibbles.

Roosters are darling, vivacious creatures. If you're willing to give him a chance, just sit and watch him. Learn his sounds. Toss some greens into their run and observe his movements relative to the others and the sounds he makes. Don't grab food bowls or the water dish when he's next to you. I've learned Henry so well I know when I can do this safely, but sometimes I forget and he lunges and bites.

Chickens are incredibly intelligent. They remember experiences and people. He'll gradually learn you're not to be feared and that you don't fear him. His instincts will still be there, but over time as he matures the frequency of attacks will lessen, especially as you learn him and stand your ground.

I was very concerned at first, and the bites are painful. But once I calmed down and committed myself fully to mastering my rooster, my interactions with him have significantly improved.

Some day you'll want to learn how to pick him up. Different situations will necessitate knowing how to do that. But roosters really shouldn't be viewed as pets, even though you can love on them as dear companions. I remember the day I decided I needed to know how to do this. I hesitated and he charged. I tried again and he bit me. Then I figured it out, grabbed Henry, and he chirped softly like a little baby.

It's proven useful, but even now I have to be careful when I pick him up, and I've had to do this multiple times a day for three months, even since he was attacked by a coyote.

What you're feeling and experiencing is totally normal. I started using a Mr. LongArm (fluffy blue head on one end to remove spider webs) to corral the chickens when they're free ranging and to keep Henry at a distance when putting the dogs in their yard. He goes after them because he sees them as threats to his flock. Mr. LongArm is always where I can get at it quickly.

I'm rambling because I'm hungry. Time for a late breakfast. Hang in there, and I hope this helps!!
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True, that. I have seen many that have their roosters go bad by the simple fact they are handling them entirely incorrectly. I feel bad for the birds and the owners.
It took me a while to figure out that I need to start training my cockerels as soon as I figured out they were males. No more picking up and holding as babies, and as they grow, I get n their space, make them move away farm me, and in general let them know I am the boss. Haven't had a problem since. If I get a stupid one that can't figure it out, he'll be invited to the house for supper.
I haven't had a rooster bite, flog or try to spur me in years. See above post.

I'm not trying to "impose my experience as law". Just pointing out that more often than not, hugging and cuddling a rooster (as in, adult bird of mating age) is not going to make a tame bird that you can fully trust. You said that yourself when you pointed out that yours still bites you.
I never said I hug and cuddle my rooster. What I did was learn how to physically handle him, which has paid off in spades.

Henry has spent almost half his life in recovery from a coyote attack.

My contact and daily interactions with him are far more than it would have been had he not been wounded. Hence more situations that led to bites.
I have raised 40-roosters, many of which have landed in freezer camp.

I hold a standard and ALL roosters must pass or...

I had my top rooster that respected me and I him... He was to keep his distance, I wouldn't hold him (unless necessary), etc.

After I established my one rooster I started something I called "rooster watching."

When I would bring in new roosters I would separate all hens, and put my top roo in with the others... My top roo was very gentle and not a fighter so it worked perfectly for him to teach the other guys.

They would stay in rooster watch for a couple weeks to see how I interacted with Top roo, I found this worked very well... Roosters pay very close attention to things around them and with no hens to distract they could focus on me and top roo.

After being in rooster watch for 3-weeks I would see which roos learned there lesson, ALL that didn't go to the freezer.

I found 90% worked fine for me.

I also have 8-siblings so I won't take any risks with them and roosters.

Like many said he's aggressive I would freezer him.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, the top rooster in my bantam Cochin flock occasionally tried to attack me. Having my hands full with the gate and feed bucket, I reacted instinctively and kicked him away - getting hit by such a tiny ball of feathers and fury was more funny than frightening. The first few times it happened, I was puzzled; I'd had him for a couple of years, and he had always behaved before. Particularly since this seemed to happen on random days; it just didn't make sense. Finally, it hit me. I had a red corduroy maternity dress that I sometimes wore, and apparently, the sight of that much red was more than this bird could stand. The days he was a problem were the days I wore that dress. After a few unscheduled flights (courtesy of my muck boots) he learned that attacking me from the front was not a smart move, but that didn't stop him from trying. I'd go into the pen, and he'd try to maneuver around to come at me from the rear. Since he was white, it was easy to keep track of him, and I'd watch him out of the corner of my eye as he slunk stealthily towards an attack position. I'd let him get maybe ten or fifteen feet away, turn and face him, and say, "just what do you think you are doing?" The change in his body language was comical. "Who, me? I'm not doing anything. Not me, nope, don't know what you're talking about; totally not doing anything here," as he walked away in a different direction.
my rooster is the best pet! you need to talk to talk to them and pet them lots. i'd put some time into it and i bet that he will smarten up
my rooster is the best pet! you need to talk to talk to them and pet them lots. i'd put some time into it and i bet that he will smarten up
I am in my coop and handling the flock 3 to 5 times a day... except for him and the other cockerals they will not let me. I have tried and about a month I gave up .. still bring them treats and handle the others... this just came out of no where. I am an insulin dependent diabetic and cant afford to be clawed by a pet... oh my goodness the thought of the infection. I feel bad and have been very upset but hubby said cant bite the hand that feeds you. I am going to have him handle it. I think he is going to end up at freezer camp...Ugh hopefully the OTHER freezer I dont want to see it. This is stressful! I feel betrayed LOL.

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