Wow, one smart rooster!


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
I have written about the smart things our Dazzle roo has done before, but I just have to write about this, too. He is the alpha roo in our flock and in that role he allows certain hens and occasionally another rooster to accompany him to the area and yard around our house, the others have to stay near the barn but he allows them to roam the woods that surround our house and barn. Today we are having our house interior professionally painted and the painter and his helper take breaks outside. Just now they were taking a break and Dazzle started rioting (bawk-bawking), and all the others were, too. He kept running up to the painters, shrilling and bawking, then he would run towards the woods trail leading to the barn, then back to the painters, back towards the woods, etc. (They told me this later) I was in the shower at the time but of course dressed quickly and went to see what in the world all the commotion was, cause we've lost two chickens in the past week to predators. When I came outside Dazzle ran towards me, then to the woods and hid under a blackberry bush. I went in to the woods on the trail and startled a fox! It ran into our neighbors field and I could mark it's path by the scolding birds. Dazzle and his friends rioted for several more minutes before they settled down. I took a headcount at the house and barn; all present and accounted for, as far as I can tell. When I told Dazzle what a good job he'd done, he flapped his wings and crowed. Thanks, Dazzle!!!!
I tried, but he never takes treats from us, always gives them to the hens!
Maybe watermelon, I'll try him on that later, he does love it, and there's enough of that to go around.
"What's that Dazzle? Timmy's stuck down the well?"

Congrats on having what sounds like a wonderful rooster!

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