Writing School

Uhhhh hmmmm
Going from personal experience of being extremely critical of myself I think that Camila could feel the same way...
It’s called “barn blindness” in the poultry world. Either it means you can’t see their faults or you can’t see their merits. (In a SOP perspective) I’m unfortunately among the latter. I am quick to see faults, and if not, I wonder what I’ve been missing. (Seriously if someone can’t find something wrong with a bird they’re showing they’re missing something.) So I study harder.
Sometimes the more you study, the better you get or the harder you try. Or you can be me + art where I pretty much give up. Wow that was a very random off-topic rant.
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Uhhhh hmmmm
Going from personal experience of being extremely critical of myself I think that Camilla could feel the same way...
It’s called “barn blindness” in the poultry world. Either it means you can’t see their faults or you can’t see their merits. (In a SOP perspective) I’m unfortunately among the latter. I am quick to see faults, and if not, I wonder what I’ve been missing. (Seriously if someone can’t find something wrong with a bird they’re showing they’re missing something.) So I study harder.
Sometimes the more you study, the better you get or the harder you try. Or you can be me + art where I pretty much give up. Wow that was a very random off-topic rant.
Yeah, I'm the same way. That's one of the character flaws I've been trying to implement, that she thinks highly of others but is very critical of herself, and just has overall low self esteem. And when it's something she's done she always thinks it's all bad no matter what. However when someone else did it, she tries to see the best in it.
Yeah, I'm the same way. That's one of the character flaws I've been trying to implement, that she thinks highly of others but is very critical of herself, and just has overall low self esteem. And when it's something she's done she always thinks it's all bad no matter what. However when someone else did it, she tries to see the best in it.
That’s me! :lol:
(Inspired by season six of Marvel's Agents of Shield; no spoilers for it, but if you've seen it, you'll recognize some things)
My breath came raggedly. As my feet pounded the gravel of the truck yard, I glanced over my shoulder at the girl sprinting after me, smiling maniacally. I turned back around just in time to crash into him, knocking my wind out. I could never escape him, not even after he died. He looked at my prone form with something that resembled a scowl, but somehow expressed pity. He crouched over my heaving body, tilting his head, studying me. As angry tears formed in my eyes, the corner of his mouth was pulled into a sympathetic smirk.
"Don't worry." he said. "The game's not over. You'll have to start over, get more experience. Maybe next time you'll make the right choice." He stood, looking at the lunatic with the knives. "She's all yours, Snow."
"Yes." she breathed, crouching over me, tracing my throat with her knives. "You'll make a beautiful butterfly."

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