wry neck third time


5 Years
Mar 8, 2017
Plaistow Nh
I have a 7 month silkie rooster who has had wry neck three times in past month.
It seems to happen when weather is really hot. He is in with 6 other chickens, one other is a silkie.
I make sure there are plenty of watering stations and shade.
He gets worse at night, when I go out to close them in for the night I will find him falling over with his head turned upside down. I will take him in the house and give him electrolytes and vitamins. By the next morning he is almost fine and I put him out with the others for the day and he is fine,
This time it lasted one day and last night he did it again. The first time he was good for couple weeks. Second time he was in the house a couple of nights and fine during the days. He is the only one doing this. Not sure what to make of it.
I'd offer daily vitamins. He may have come from bad parent stock.
Wry Neck needs to be consistently treated over several weeks.
If you are using Poultry Nutri-Drench, give it daily, add eggs or tuna for Selenium and give B vitamins as well.

Alternatively you can give Vitamin E400IU daily, crush a human B-Complex tab and add it to his food daily along with egg or tuna for selenium.

See that he is staying well hydrated. Silkies seem to be prone for having Wry Neck which is a neurological symptom of head injury/trauma, vitamin deficiency and certain diseases like Marek's and Newcastles.

It could be that he does have a disease like that is presenting when he is heat stressed, but hopefully with keeping the vitamin treatment going for a few weeks he will improve.

Keep us posted.
Nutri Drench works great straight to the beak too.
Then you know for sure they are getting the dose (instead of adding it to the water)

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