WTB a BLUE egg laying hen or two, in New England area


11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
New Durham NH
Hello, I am on a quest! I am seeking a couple Hens that lay BLUE eggs! I dont care about appearances, as I am not showing or breeding, I just want the eggs for crafts and novelty!

I will drive most anywhere in the New England area to pick up the lucky ladies. We have a small flock of 21 spoiled birds, with a heated coop, and year round free ranging, so you know they are going to a good home! Older ladies are welcome, as long as they are still laying!

You may respond to this thread, or email me, which ever you prefer, and thanks!!!
Hi I am in Mass too and would like some unique colored eggs. french black copper Marans, americuna, barnevelder, just a few ladies for pretty colored eggs. Good accomodations with other chickens and peafowl...on the south shore of Ma would be fantastic, but I'll travel too. Thanks Pam
Ok, since there is obviously a shortage of true Araucanas in this area, I guess I am gonna have to hatch some!!

Any one willing to sell me some true blue fertile eggs to hatch?

I would prefer a hen still, of course, but maybe I am aiming too high?!
Well, I emailed her too, but really all I want is a couple of hens.... I dont really want to get into raising and subsequently breeding another type of bird, however, if that is what I have to do....

So be it.....

Single hen, locally? Anyone?

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