Wyoming Unite!!!!

I won't be building anything as big as the one you both have.....I'm looking more at a size of 6 x 8 or so. Anything bigger and it won't fit in the only place we have to put it! LOL So insulate then, and use good old common sense about ventilation. Works for me! It does get windy here - you know you're in Wyoming when you step out the door and get a mouthful of Idaho!

Perhaps you may want to consider a chicken tractor rather than a coop and run set up. Since chicken tractors are movable they should not count as a building. Here are search results for chicken tractors on BYC.

On the rooster issue you can get a decrowed rooster, that's what I did. I live in one of the new subdivisions over here ( mostly import people from out east) and my neighbors have no clue I own two roosters. There is a vet in Oklahoma that sells them post surgery. The roos can still crow but it makes little to no noise, certainly quieter then the " I laid an egg song" the hens do.
On the rooster issue you can get a decrowed rooster, that's what I did. I live in one of the new subdivisions over here ( mostly import people from out east) and my neighbors have no clue I own two roosters. There is a vet in Oklahoma that sells them post surgery. The roos can still crow but it makes little to no noise, certainly quieter then the " I laid an egg song" the hens do.
Huh! I've never heard of that! See, everytime I get a little "cocky" (pun intended) I find out that there's still a ton to learn!
I promise I won't say a word! I'd love to build bigger, but as I said I'm limited by where I can put it. As it is we're already going to have to take out an apricot tree and put the coop there in order to meet setback requirements, but that's alright...I'll get more eggs out of my chickens than I ever got apricots off that tree! LOL Our lot here is 110 x 130, and on this lot we have our house, a garage, and our hot tub room, so you can see my space dilemma. We thought about using part of the garage for the inner part of the coop, then build the run off that, but the garage is an old log building that at some time was covered in stucco, and there's only room in there for one car as it is. We may try to figure out a way to use the back outer wall of the garage as one wall of the coop - just build the coop as a lean-to against it. I just need to accept that we build what we can and then make it work well. Hey, I'm a Navy wife - I can do anything! Teehee

Chickens probably won't spend much time free ranging. Our biggest issue here is cats - Cowley is overrun with them. They've knocked the skirting off one corner of our trailer and been going under there to get out of the cold. Ken blocks it off, and they manage to get right back in. My bathroom smells like cat, and I don't even own one! There's also our little 2 year old granddaughter to consider - Kendra doesn't walk and she loves to be outside, so she's usually either sitting in the yard or "army crawling" to wherever she wants to go. Chicken poop and two year old crawlers don't seem to blend well! LOL The yard is one place where her wheelchair doesn't do her much good. So there's a lot to consider in putting up our coop and run. We want the chickens to be healthy, content and safe, and want to keep our neighbors happy too. And we want Kendra to be able to enjoy the outdoors. Now I ask you, is that too much to ask? LOL
I totally understand the space issue!
That's the nice thing about chickens, you can comfortably keep 6 of them in town, just try that with 6 horses
. I can't let my chicken free range either due to cats, badgers, skunks, cyottes, bobcat, fox, and what ever else you could think of except mountain lion. I have a HUGE run planned for them (the size of a small arena), they'll be basically free range with protection. I just have to get it built.

My son (Cash) has a different-ability (I never say disability), and the animals have been so good for him, I'm sure Kendra will love them!
I am looking for large fowl purebred eggs for April, local to Casper/Riverton area. I am between the two places for the spring and summer.

Probably not what you are looking for, but I will have Swedish Flower Hen eggs during that time. They are laying well now and I would expect them to be doing even better in April. I am off of Cole Creek road just a little bit northeast of Casper.
Hi everyone!!! Im currently in katy Tx, but in June were relocating to Sheridan. So glad I found a few chicken ppl. I was getting worried when links on facebook asking, were getting no responses from ppl in WY. Anyhow, I currently have Seramas, Silkies, Showgirls and just purchased a cute little 3 day old light Brahma. Plan is to bring a few of my favorites, but my breeds arent cold hardy. So wanted opinions on what you all think? Sell here, start over? Or they'll be fine if I ad heat in the coop. Im excited I found ppl from Wyoming!!! Yay! Are there other chicken groups in WY? Is it easy ro get birds? I usually order eggs, hatch, keep a few, sell the rest. Want to add cold hardy breeds once were there, but dont want to rely solely on shipped eggs.. I could quickly be over run. I had RIR, BR, wynadottes, australorps and a few cochins, but once they started laying, they were so loud. My HOA doesnt allow chickens, so I had to rehome, but couldnt be without chickens, so started over with smaller quieter breeds, none are to laying age yet.. close, but not yet.. :):)
Hi everyone!!! Im currently in katy Tx, but in June were relocating to Sheridan. So glad I found a few chicken ppl. I was getting worried when links on facebook asking, were getting no responses from ppl in WY. Anyhow, I currently have Seramas, Silkies, Showgirls and just purchased a cute little 3 day old light Brahma. Plan is to bring a few of my favorites, but my breeds arent cold hardy. So wanted opinions on what you all think? Sell here, start over? Or they'll be fine if I ad heat in the coop. Im excited I found ppl from Wyoming!!! Yay! Are there other chicken groups in WY? Is it easy ro get birds? I usually order eggs, hatch, keep a few, sell the rest. Want to add cold hardy breeds once were there, but dont want to rely solely on shipped eggs.. I could quickly be over run. I had RIR, BR, wynadottes, australorps and a few cochins, but once they started laying, they were so loud. My HOA doesnt allow chickens, so I had to rehome, but couldnt be without chickens, so started over with smaller quieter breeds, none are to laying age yet.. close, but not yet..
You'll be just across the mountains from me. If there's anything I've learned on this forum is that if folks want something badly enough, they make it happen. So I would think that whatever chickens you want, you'll find a way to keep them, although there are some varieties that do better in the cold. Your Silkies and Brahmas should be fine in a well built coop. I don't know anything about the others you have - I'm sure someone with more knowledge and experience than I have will chime in. Sheridan does see a lot more snow and cold than we get on this side of the mountain....this side is called the Big Horn Basin and our winters are generally milder. And our summers can get hot, but coming from Texas I'm sure you'll be well equipped to cope with that. I have Buff Orpingons, Red Stars, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, and just added two each of little Speckled Sussex and Copper Marans.

Getting ready to build our coop this week...right now these little boogers are living in Ken's office in a brooder box and the dust is unbelievable. So I'm ready for them to go outside! We plan to insulate the coop, being sure that we've provided good ventilation as well. From what I've read here, ventilation and drafts are two entirely different things so that will be our challenge. There are several folks on here from Sheridan so I'm sure they'll welcome you!
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