Wyoming Unite!!!!

hi everyone!!! Thanks for the responses!! Lots of great info! i have a super cool coop that my hubby built! I really want to bring it, obviously it would need to be modified for winters. its made from fence boards.. and has a large run attached. WDYT?? or, rebuild new one?? again, I'm super happy i found some chicken lovers!! Everything I'm linked on thru fb, wasnt looking promising! sorta forgot about BYC! Anyone on Facebook??

I have a friend who is going to buy my 6 hens from me.. I'm sad i cant bring them.. but also looking forward to some new ones, cold hardy breeds!! Still house searching, there were a few we liked, but they now have contracts on them.. UGH!! hopefully we find something!!
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Hello Wyoming ppl...I just started and have 5 girls. They are 18 months old and am really enjoying them! I live in Pavillion :)
Hi Scott, you are close to me I live in Pavillion and just got 5 girls...4 red sexlinks and 1 barred rock. What kinds do you have? I have only had mine a week and I'm hooked! Bought them from a lady in Dubois. They are 18 months old. :)

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