Wyoming Unite!!!!

I just acquired 8 Buff Orphingtons on Friday, my chicken habit has gotten worse! I never intended to get Orphingtons but when the feed store said they had 8 I couldn't resist.

To add to that I have caught the incubating bug. I'm dieing (sp?) to find some fertile eggs near me, so if any one in the Casper to Douglas area is interested in me hatching some chicks for them I'll be happy to do it. I don't want the chicks, you can have them back, I just want the incubating experience.
Hello Wyomingites! I am located in Sheridan :) We are new to Chickens... just got two buff orps and a SLW. Can't wait for the winter weather to go away so we can work on the run/coop!
Hello Wyomingites! I am located in Sheridan :) We are new to Chickens... just got two buff orps and a SLW. Can't wait for the winter weather to go away so we can work on the run/coop!
Ah, we meet again! I'm just across the mountain from you. We were working on the coop in the snow flurries we had today. Fortunately they didn't last very long, but it's annoying to have so much to do and have to dodge snowflakes and try to stand upright in the wind to get it done. I have Golden Laced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Red Stars, Easter Eggers, Speckled Sussex and Black Copper Marans.
Sounds like a nice flock! If we are successful with our first little set of birds, I would like to get into Swedish Flower Hens.

Our run area is frozen under snow right now :( We are going to convert our dog run into the chicken's run. The dogs almost never use it. Then we're going to modify an old rabbit hutch into their coop, probably adding on to it a bit to give them more space. Winter's just lasting so long this year it seems :p especially after we got teased with some 60+ degree weather lol.
Wyochickens I'm from sheridan area also one thing with starting out with coups is worry more about being functional verse looking all the pretty my chickens never complain what their house looks like and alway build bigger then you think you need you will always end up with more chickens .. good luck
Wyochickens I'm from sheridan area also one thing with starting out with coups is worry more about being functional verse looking all the pretty my chickens never complain what their house looks like and alway build bigger then you think you need you will always end up with more chickens .. good luck
Boy, I hope you're right about that! Motel Chix is turning into quite the project - corners that don't quiiiiittteeee meet, a little gap here and a little gap there. Well, as the old saying goes, "A little spackle and a little paint, make a carpenter what he ain't." If that proves wrong then I'm gonna have 22 chickens knocking at my door saying, "A cheep motel? Seriously?"
I am a carpenter so I get lots of scraps I don't have 100 into my coup even with the addition I put on and the one more addition I have to start adding plus the duck coup and a fix or two on the chicken tractor for the meat chickens later this spring .. It's definitely chicken time of year lol
I am a carpenter so I get lots of scraps I don't have 100 into my coup even with the addition I put on and the one more addition I have to start adding plus the duck coup and a fix or two on the chicken tractor for the meat chickens later this spring .. It's definitely chicken time of year lol
Can I borrow a cup of you, just until this project is over?
A little carpenter expertise would go a long way about now. Teehee

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