Yay!! A reply to my classified!!

I'd go with Cinnamon & Sugar too...but then again I have chicks named things like "Pudding," "Smore" & "Coco" and ducks named "Pipsqueak," "Blue," "Heart" & "Punk Rocker Dude" (the last is a Crested Kahki Campbell named by my 5 yr old son...lol)
I'd go with Cinnamon & Sugar too...but then again I have chicks named things like "Pudding," "Smore" & "Coco" and ducks named "Pipsqueak," "Blue," "Heart" & "Punk Rocker Dude" (the last is a Crested Kahki Campbell named by my 5 yr old son...lol)

is that your eye?
No Outcast...lol...It's just a pic I snagged off the net...Guess I otta load 1 of some of my babies now huh? :)

Oh, it is pretty
Baby chickies?? YES!!

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