Yellow Discharge from Rootsers

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You might consider posting some pictures of where the discharge is coming from and any other symptoms. I will request your thread be moved to the ER forum. Good luck.
I inherited him from someone who could not care for him.. he supposedly just had bumble foot but within a few days he developed the yellow leakage from his Cloaca/backend and where he was ravenous in eating he hardly eats at all. His discharge is yellow/white mucus that drips constantly.
I inherited him from someone who could not care for him.. he supposedly just had bumble foot but within a few days he developed the yellow leakage from his Cloaca/backend and where he was ravenous in eating he hardly eats at all. His discharge is yellow/white mucus that drips constantly.
It sounds like he has vent gleet. Give this article a read and start working on treating him. Obviously, he should be kept in quarantine away from your flock.
Hope your guy makes a full recovery.
Welcome to BYC!

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