Yet Another Chicken Coop!

Are all the shutters hinged?
I only see one with hinges.

1 foot wide for aprons?
That's cutting it a bit short(haha!), isn't it.
Yes, all the shutters are hinged. The end ones are hinged on the side and the middle one is hinged on top.
I have been using foot wide hardware cloth quite a while. Works so far.
Ditch digging today, tacking on hardware cloth.
Hubby installed the window in part 2 of the coop today while i was killing myself feeding and watering all the critters enough for 2 days. I got up at 8, worked all day until about 6:30 what with catching all the animals.
Tonight my poison ivy is driving me nuts. I swear, i keep washing my hands and arms but i get it anyway.
I use to get poison ivy just walking by it when it was hot and humid and the oils vaporize in the air. I then read about 'rhus tox 30x' and took 4 pills under the tongue several times a day starting in the spring until the snow was too deep to work outside. Also when I knew I got into it I would wash with some kind of grease cutter for 2 minutes.
I only had a few bumps for at least a decade...Until a couple weeks ago.. I had forgotten to take the rhus tox for a couple of weeks and didn't pay attention when I took a stray possum across the creek ( should of just shot him instead of harassing him, but he wasn't in the poultry yard}
This out break I started taking the rhus tox and washed everything I had worn or touched since the possum in grease cutter. Alternated with 'tecnu'
and super ivydry
Nowhere as bad of an outbreak compared to years past.

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