Morning everyone! Welcome to all the people new to this thread!!! I don't know why I'm up so early, ugg. I really love hearing the roosters announcing the morning lol I kind of cheat alittle, I have a security camera pointed at the coops, so I can sit on the couch with my coffee and watch the chickens on tv, lol. Hopefully this weekend we can get all the birds separated and moved so they can have more room to move about. It's been a pretty productive week. Sometime this weekend the RIR's I have been babysitting will go back home and I will have another pen freed up. Have some cute little ones brooding on the back porch, sadly every morning is sad, poor little things. Have a few little buffs out there and they are so darn cute!!!! I love buffs, they are my favorite. The one baby royal palm turkey that hatched is growing like a weed. The parents are very protective of him/her. I think the next time, there will be more that hatch, well I hope. I can hear the Americana rooster and the RIR rooster having crow wars. I love it!!!! I will check in some time later, I got alot to do, not that much time before it gets hot out. have a great day everyone!!!!!!!

A Saturday afternoon treat for our ducks courtesy of a local farmers cracked rejects.
I hope it wasn't that place in town with 50 chicks stuck in horrible dirty cages! Dead chicks in each cage. I felt like I had to wash everything on me when I left that store!

I'm sure that's the one they are talking about. Out of towners keep that place in business. Anyone local won't even stop there. You need a gas mask to go in the place, the smell of urine and poop is so strong. They confine their birds in horrible inhumane conditions, and the train riders and tourists flock to that place. I can't understand why the dept. of agriculture hasn't shut them down. They roll overcrowded cages outside and roll them back in at night, they never leave those cages until some unfortunate person buys them. There is obvious disease in every cage. They have a lot of variety but the person that owns the place will lie to you to sell you something. It would be a great place if someone who cared about the animals or the customers would take it over, but all the current owners care about is money!! I went there when I first started raising chickens several years ago and learned firsthand what kind of people ran this place. I buy my birds from individuals or reputable breeders, and I buy all my supplies right around the corner at the Co-Op. I wouldn't call that place the local feed store, because locals will not do business there, and all the feed there is usually old. They also take unwanted kittens and puppies and put a price on them and try to sell them. Some kittens have grown up in their cages and when they are too large to sell, they disappear, not sure where they go. I wish people would stop encouraging these animal abusers to stay in business.

OH MY GOSH! I just picked up 2 chickens back to back( a speckled Sussex and a RIR) and both of them just squirted clear liquid down my leg. What the H E double hockey sticks was it. The SS did it first, I went and washed my leg, came back out and took a RIR from my daughter and then she(the chicken) did it down my arm and leg.

It came from their vent but wasn't poop. It was like warm clear liquid. Please tell me I'm not going to die!!!!'
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OK there are some seriously crazy things going on, on the homestead today!

After getting peed on or whatever the heck just happened, we were walking the yard because we didn't get an egg from any of the 3 layers today. Well, i looked in a bit of tall grass against the house and fence and found not one. not 2 but 7, yes 7 eggs! All are very small eggs and I am thinking more than one chicken is laying there. I don't know how long they have been there earlier than Sunday I would think, since the chickens were 18 weeks on Sunday. But since there were 7 eggs I am thinking there is more than one chicken going there to lay. I guess I'll be watching that spot when I let them out in the mornings and see who is doing it.

Should I start keeping that chicken locked in the coop until they start laying in the nests?

Also can we eat these? they are in tall grass in a mostly shady spot on top of sand. or should i cook them up for the chickens?

....and THEN... after find a pile O' eggs I found this puddle of goo on the ground. With ants swarming it. I found another pile of goo the other day but didn't think anything of it, but now with 2 piles, it must be from my chickens, but what is it. It's clear and sticky/stringy. A bit like egg white.

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OK there are some seriously crazy things going on, on the homestead today! After getting peed on or whatever the heck just happened, we were walking the yard because we didn't get an egg from any of the 3 layers today. Well, i looked in a bit of tall grass against the house and fence and found not one. not 2 but 7, yes 7 eggs! All are very small eggs and I am thinking more than one chicken is laying there. I don't know how long they have been there earlier than Sunday I would think, since the chickens were 18 weeks on Sunday. But since there were 7 eggs I am thinking there is more than one chicken going there to lay. I guess I'll be watching that spot when I let them out in the mornings and see who is doing it. Should I start keeping that chicken locked in the coop until they start laying in the nests? Also can we eat these? they are in tall grass in a mostly shady spot on top of sand. or should i cook them up for the chickens? ....and THEN... after find a pile O' eggs I found this puddle of goo on the ground. With ants swarming it. I found another pile of goo the other day but didn't think anything of it, but now with 2 piles, it must be from my chickens, but what is it. It's clear and sticky/stringy. A bit like egg white.
That looks like egg white. It's possible someone is laying then eating.

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