The frizzle frizzle hen I got from a lady who appeared to have over bred her woth the classic signs of feathers missing on her head and back. Now I realize I needto get her a saddle asap but until then the roo maybe cause due to rain .....but ccompletely put a gash and seperated her skin. She heals usually really fast but in this case the skin bunch ed up causing open wound.what do I do to fix it?
The frizzle frizzle hen I got from a lady who appeared to have over bred her woth the classic signs of feathers missing on her head and back. Now I realize I needto get her a saddle asap but until then the roo maybe cause due to rain .....but ccompletely put a gash and seperated her skin. She heals usually really fast but in this case the skin bunch ed up causing open wound.what do I do to fix it?

Try chicken antibiotic cream for a day with her in a hospital cage, and then I would use super glue (non-toxic) to glue the gash closed! Keep her apart till it is all better and you have a saddle for her!

>>>>>>not an expert or a vet but that is what I would try<<<<<<
I left all the snow on the mountains where I found it. Absolutely beautiful clean state! If anyone is interested in seeing 1200 photos, pm me and I will send you the link! hahahah! bears, moose, whales, mountains, etc!

I so badly want to go some day but right now 1200 photos would be torture! So. Badly. Want. To. Live. There!
I so badly want to go some day but right now 1200 photos would be torture! So. Badly. Want. To. Live. There!

Yea, with your allergy to the sun, you would only want to live there for the 6 months of darkness. We only had 3 hours of semi-dark a day. It would be 1am and you would think it was only 4 in the afternoon! Hard to get the grandkids to bed!
Couldn't bring snow? I miss snow!

Hush yo mouth! This is Georgia, this State shuts down if we get an inch of that four letter word! I could go the rest of my life without that crap!
My oldest[COLOR=141823] has been asking for a kitten for years and while we have an old cat, the fact is this house has mice! Our cat has gotten two so far, but as stated, she is old. I figured daughters birthday is next month (15!) and another mouser would be helpful. This little thing is still bottle fed! (abandoned) GREAT learning lesson for the teen I think getting up every 3 hours to give it a bottle! Any ideas on how to raise it to not hunt the chickens?[/COLOR]
I've never had my cats go after adult birds, ever. Babies very much interest them but my babies are always under lock & key anyway. Precious baby! Congrats!!
The frizzle frizzle hen I got from a lady who appeared to have over bred her woth the classic signs of feathers missing on her head and back. Now I realize I needto get her a saddle asap but until then the roo maybe cause due to rain .....but ccompletely put a gash and seperated her skin. She heals usually really fast but in this case the skin bunch ed up causing open wound.what do I do to fix it?

You should isolate her to prevent further damage, because a rooster won't stop trying to breed. I would keep her away from your rooster until she is completely healed and feathers have grown back. Antibiotic ointment can prevent infection, but isolation is a must.

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