Yogurt, good for chicks, bad for you!


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
So one of my chicks is a scissorbeak and I worry she's not getting enough good protein. So after I read yogurt is a good treat I put some on a saucer and put it in with them. Of course they thought it was an alien saucer and ran screaming from the corner. When I came back alittle while later there was a sort of chick/yogurt wrestling match going on. Omg, everyone needed a bath but dare I say a good time was had by all...well until the bath. Now they all think I'm the devil again.
I love how cute chickens & chicks are lol The mental image of them running away from the alient plate makes me laugh. SO glad they had a fun time! How did you bathe them?

btw your siggy about chicken math - yea, that's totally us too
I have some yogurt in the yogurt maker tonight. Maybe the chicks will get a treat of some tomorrow.
I was hoping to see a picture of yogurt slathered chickies!

I tried yogurt and mine said "YUCK!" and were wiping their beaks off! It was pretty funny too.
zengrrl great story and well told, I could picture those poor little terrified chicks fleeing that horrible alien monster plate! I was waiting too for some pics of the yogurt wrestling! too funny~
I heard that yogurt was good too. I gave some to mine this morning but they wouldn't even look at it with me there. I left it in there and I'll see if it's gone on my return.
How did you bath your little ones? Maybe this wasn't such a great idea:rolleyes:
Lol..I was in too much of a panic to think about grabbing a camera. Imagine mostly silkie chicks (one Polish) running through the yogurt, and then food, poo and what else. It was like silkies covered in glue it was awful. I pretty much just rinsed them off under the warm faucet, quick rubdown with a wash cloth and then lowered the heat lamp alittle bit. Everyone survived.

As far as the chicken math, I have a farmer that owes me $20 and I'm fighting the urge to cash that in in chicks right now. I do have an extra lamp now...hmmm. When you lose one its so devastating only 3 more will make it better. 7 is such an uneven number!
My hens go nuts for yogurt. I feed them plain greek yogurt once a week. They also like strawberries but when I mixed the strawberries and yogurt they were less than impressed. Pic of yogurt faces are on my BYC page.

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