You might be a “Southie” if...

Well I always say "leg horn"
Didn't know there's other ways to say it.
That's what I always thought too! But I'm taking an online class from MSU this semester, and my professor said "leggerns." I thought it was just a deep South thing, but I've been reading that leggerns is actually the way leghorns was originally intended to be pronounced, and if you say it leghorns in a place where they say it correctly, it is NOT okay. I'm not sure how I'm going to force myself to say leggerns!
I sold my leggerns so I don’t have to say it any more. But that’s how I pronounced it. You should pronounce the way others in your area pronounce it or they won’t know what you are talking about. D’Uccle is even more tricky. No one in the USA pronounces it the proper French way. In the south, expect Dee-ookle. I no longer have any D’Uccles, either, mainly because of the pronunciation thing.
Pronounce it however you want, I'm sure people will be able to figure it out.
I live in Mackinac county, looking over the water at Mackinac island, and at the Mackinac bridge. However the town on the other end of the bridge is called Mackinaw City. And Mackinac/naw is always pronounced as if it ends in a w. However, Mackinac is a native American name, so the ways it's spelled are based on the French - with a c - or English - with a w - settlers. 🤔
You can always tell when people are not from around here, when they pronounce it Mackinack.
Pronounce it however you want, I'm sure people will be able to figure it out.
I live in Mackinac county, looking over the water at Mackinac island, and at the Mackinac bridge. However the town on the other end of the bridge is called Mackinaw City. And Mackinac/naw is always pronounced as if it ends in a w. However, Mackinac is a native American name, so the ways it's spelled are based on the French - with a c - or English - with a w - settlers. 🤔
You can always tell when people are not from around here, when they pronounce it Mackinack.
Good to know! I have always wanted to go to Mackinac Island, it looks so beautiful!
Southies. Let me explain it to you.

The word is two syllables. If you look at the syllables they are two words.

Leg & horn.

Pronounce it like that.

Do not add a third not add letters.

Do not try to make it sound sophisticated.

I hope this helps.


bless your little hearts.

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