You really like where you live? affordable? So good you almost dont want to tell people?

Ive driven all over Ca. The prices down south are crazy.Up north the crime and gangs are bad.As one guy told me the fresno to sacramento area is the meth capital of the usa.I think Ca. would have been great around fifty years ago.
Lately ive been considering a small town in Utah.The terrain and weather is similar to where i live.Figure an eight hour drive from where i live now. Tornados are one of the big turnoffs once you get east of New Mexico.Utah has some huge lakes for fishing and sailing.I well be sure to see the poultry laws for any place i would move to!
California is great if you can afford it and understand how to live with a lot of people from all walks of life. (It's a skill, honestly I meet people all the time that just don't have the ability to negotiate the daily life here.) Lots of people get disillusioned... I think people have unrealistic expectations for this state and the cost of living, etc. I lived in both southern and northern california. In Northern California, you have access to the wine and gold country. There are many places in No. cal still quite remote and secluded, lots of specialty farms there. So. cal is crowded, but we mostly all co-exist... amazing considering how crowded it can be. Weather is unbeatable, as well as the lifestyle - beach, mountains, mexico and desert all can be seen in the same day if you got up early enough! LOL
I wish i knew the perfect state,but i can tell u where not to move,Pa, born and raised here and i wish i could move tomorrow,high taxes, permits needed to sneeze,not enough sunshine.I would love to move south when my dh retires.
I worked with a guy from Minnesota,he about said the same for that state,he said if you nailed a stick on your building you had better have a permit.
A contractor I know put a bumper sticker on every piece of equipment he drives/pulls/hauls from job to job and they state "why not make welfare as hard to get as a building permit"

I've often asked the same question. Also, you have to have a license to have a dog, why not to have kids?

7 (for whom dealing with neglect, abuse, etc. is an occupational hazard)

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