Young hens (?) making loud strange noises

Oh well, I listened to the egg song, I wish it was like that! Bah. Mine are making harsh, not really clucking, squawks. Pretty long, a few seconds. It's abrasive and not a happy sound. I feel terrible. They're just walking around crabbing, best way I could describe it. But they look healthy, have plenty of the things they need. I'd go so far as to say they're spoiled!

I found a red on YouTube in a long video making something close to what it is, and I screengrabbed it and cut it but can't post it. I'll keep searching. 😑

I hope it's because they're getting ready to lay. Ugh. Thanks all.
I have a few RIR . They do this when I am seen by them. They don't stop until I give them something. I am also in town with close neighbors if they complain my girls will have to go also. My RIR taught the others to do this and I give them a treat but once I am out of sight they stop the squawking. So, I don't have all day loud squawking(grousing).
Glad that got figured out.😀 Both of my Australorps make similar sounds. A visitor thought they were angry but it’s just their sound. They’re at the top of pecking order so not sure if that has anything to do with it, like sounding authoritative 😅

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