Your HONEST opinion on eating duck eggs

Another dizzy aussie blonde here too
Well I finally tried them... had some scrambled, with a bit of cheese thrown in... it was okay, but a little rich for me. I put some in with my brownies... and they turned out good. A friend was telling me to use them to make french toast, so I was going to try that. Right now I am passing them out to all my friends that have the guts to try them.... so far one of my student's parents, the school secretary, and one of the maintenance guys. Oh yes and my nephew took a few to try. Hopefully someone will get back to me soon on how they liked them. My mom found a couple of ladies at the senior center that just love duck eggs, so I think I will send a dozen over there. I really didn't get the ducks for the eggs, but I feel like I shouldn't let them go to waste. I think there will be plenty of people who do like them. I know some people who have khaki campbells that aren't laying yet, and I think that they would be glad to have some eggs too. In the spring we will put some in the incubator.

We are raising salmon in the classroom - and the eggs are just starting to hatch - I was thinking how the duck would like a tub full of those salmon fry. My students would think I was awful for that thought to even go through my head. I am afraid there will be no salmon fry for my ducks......
I will eat guinea, chicken, and quail eggs, and possibly others as well, but those are the only types I've eaten besides duck and goose. I will not eat duck or goose eggs, they are too . . . I don't know quite how to describe it, but something about them seems extra eggy. I will eat them in baked goods, though, so I'd still be willing to buy them for that purpose. I just don't like them when they stand alone.
Lol I am not actually blonde( aussie saying doey blonde = silly person) though hubby thinks I should be some days. He calls me the dizzy blonde. My son who's 13 will say hey mum your blonde roots are showing again.. Guess they were showing well today lmao.

Hey I'm blonde!

I'm not "Dizzy" though. Here in the USA we call it "Ditzy" not Dizzy
Duck eggs are great especially for baking. I don't really like to bake, but they sure make everything I've baked with them taste better. They make great deviled eggs, but can be a bit hard to peel. Love our chicken eggs. I myself have not eaten our guinea eggs, but my very picky DS loves them as do my DH and MIL.
I mix 1/2 chicken and 1/2 ducks eggs when I make scrambled eggs- that makes a really nice combination! I've been including a couple duck eggs in with some that I give to various friends and neighbors and telling them to mix them for an extra special meal- we've gotten good feedback.

I don't like how the white is so "sticky" to get loose from the shell. Anyone else find this with their duck eggs?

I do not like duck eggs deviled or hard-boiled- too rich. I use them for my baking all the time.

If you are thinking about maybe selling some or promoting their use to people who are new to unusual foods
- include 1 or 2 for free, make sure you tell them what fresh natural eggs should look like (ours are a bit tan and mottled- didn't want them to think they were dirty! and that they are more sticky because of their richness)

- recommend for baking (glad to know that about Martha Stewart! thank for sharing!), explain why, include a yummy recipe that you like that, of course, uses duck eggs

- recommend up to 1/2 duck eggs when scrambling or for an omelet for an "extra special" breakfast- include recipe if you have one. Share how they are "gourmet", maybe how they are used in other countries, and of course, what they cost in some parts of this country!! Now they are really getting a special gift with good value from you.

True story- My son (12 yrs) came back from spending some time at a relatives. Told me that they had scrambled eggs and that they didn't taste like anything. Said they were a bit better with more salt, but now mostly were just salty. This coming from a kid who is not "into" our chicken project! He commented that he never noticed how good our eggs were because he was just so used to them, but that when he went "back" to store eggs, he could really tell the difference. Great testimonial for raising all of your own eggs, veggies, fruits, meat that you can- great value, taste, and nutrition and fun!

I can't really tell much of a difference except that my duck egg whites seem clearer than the chickens. An egg is an egg is an egg in my opinion. I prefer duck eggs because of their size but thats about it. On the other hand my brother refuses to eat chicken eggs if there are duck eggs around, he swears that they are superior in taste, texture, and quality. Imho I think that people who say they don't like duck eggs just have some kind of mental hangup about it. To each his own I suppose.
I got ducks purposely for their eggs because I bake all the time, but after I would eat the baked goods I'd get
I thought it was because the eggs are soo rich but other BYC'rs said I'm probably allergic to them! Soo now I sell my duck eggs or make them for my DH or if I'm making a baked good that I won't eat then I use them in that! I wish I could eat them but unfortunately can't!
Never had em, so I can't say...but I'm not a huge fan of chicken eggs either, they taste too "eggy". I prefer the egg beaters.

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