Zodiac Hatch-A-Long - Waxing Moon in Fruitful Signs HAL

They were probably trampled by the mom jumping back and forth trying to teach them how to jump up.
nope, had a trail cam up in the pen as we used to have rat issues and we use it as a way to watch for that issue. It was the other chicks. She literally jumped in the box and just sat there for 3 or 4 hours. Once she was in, she wouldn't get back out.
nope, had a trail cam up in the pen as we used to have rat issues and we use it as a way to watch for that issue. It was the other chicks. She literally jumped in the box and just sat there for 3 or 4 hours. Once she was in, she wouldn't get back out.
Poor chickies!
I had the same issue last year so this year there's only ground level nest boxes =)
sad thing is this was a ground level box. It just had the tallest sides. It was a milk crate while the rest were older wooden crates with handles on each side. The wooden ones were about 6inches tall. The milk crate of couse is almost a foot tall. She's only got the option of the wooden crates or the ground now.
Oh, I did have to laugh at a young pullet I have that is living with her. This pullet is almost laying age and when she got up this morning when I went to the barn she had 4 little chick's sleeping under her. She was perfectly content keeping those 4 chick's happy.

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