Zone 5 Gardeners United!

I just wanted to touch base with other zone 5'rs. We had a late frost here, and I see pictures from my friend from Ontario with snow all over the ground. Hooray for the weather forecasters who warned us for the past two days to keep things covered, which I did. Anyone else have weather challenges this weekend?
28F here this morning. I brought in most of my sensitive plants and wrapped the garden tower which is too heavy to move and mostly full of early spring plants. Seems everything outside is making it. I hope to be able to plant summer crops in a week or so. Anyone else getting ready to plant?
@AgnesGray I put a lot of seeds out, my spinach/mustard/kale have sprouted, and I have started broccoli in the same garden.
Last weekend in my other raised bed, I put in my lettuce seeds and onion starts as well as carrot seeds. This year I pushed the easy button and got a carrot tape, carrot seeds embedded in biodegradable paper.
I have started some pepper seedlings indoors but they're way too tender to put out yet. Maybe the end of May.
Late frost! Epic rain! (Although not as epic as our poor friends in zone 5 Midland Michigan. My heart goes out to them)
Mother nature is really handing it to us here in Northern Illinois, but on the bright side my potatoes are coming up. Things are looking Rosy, especially since they're doing well too. I finally yanked one of my Cherokee purple tomato plants, it was too damaged by frost and I was getting tired of it. I replaced it with Belgium beef steak. Yum.
Lettuces have just begun to sprout and I see a few peas. I went to battle with one of the black raspberry patches, I almost have it cleared despite risk of life. I'm going to put plant the blueberry bushes in bales of peat moss in that area.
I've heard the Cherokee purple tomatoes are nice but have yet to grow any. What's a good productive tomato for our zone? I've got mortgage lifters, beefsteaks, cherries, cuore di bue, san marzano, and a few Brad's atomic and hillbilly tomatoes going this year. I've got well over 50 plants in and more to go. Hopefully they do well.

Meanwhile, we got about 15 rows of corn in and beans and carrots on a larger scale. I've always had a few plants, but this is the first time I've actually got rows of anything going. I need a good organic fertilizer. Any suggestions?

Hope the weather allows for some happy gardening!
I think mortgage lifter is a good choice, also better boys. I have a problem with a tomato virus, so I'm using determinate this year except the Cherokee and beefsteak. Wish I had your acreage!
If you want good fertilizer, come muck out my run!
This year I decided to try tomato-tone organic, pretty affordable at Walmart. All of my garden beds got a dose of it.
I think mortgage lifter is a good choice, also better boys. I have a problem with a tomato virus, so I'm using determinate this year except the Cherokee and beefsteak. Wish I had your acreage!
If you want good fertilizer, come muck out my run!
This year I decided to try tomato-tone organic, pretty affordable at Walmart. All of my garden beds got a dose of it.
Think I'll muck out my own run! LOL Too bad it can't be placed directly on my veggies. It does compost down really well and will be great for use in the fall though. :) I'll have a look for the tomato-tone at Walmart! Thanks for the tip!
Anyone still in this thread? Wanted to ask you all about what is working/not working this year, and hear your thoughts about what we still have time to plant for the fall (besides the obvious radishes & lettuces)
Let's revive it!

Not sure what still has time to grow here, unless we have a long fall. I recently planted kale in what was my garlic bed. I have gobs of kale seed; "Free! Packet of seeds with your order!" is almost always kale for me. So I went heavy handed with the seed, as some is 2+ years old. I can eat the thinnings.

We have a good 60-70 days before we need to worry toooo much about frost. If you can cover things, your options are better. Maybe some peas? Though they might not germinate well in the heat.

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