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  1. hookedonchickens

    She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

    Oh I want to look so bad, but I feel it is best to leave the poor girl alone. Two more days If I have no chicks I will buying day olds and slipping them in the nest at night. Wish us luck. ck
  2. hookedonchickens

    She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

    Quote: They are a sex-link. The eggs were older than the gentleman liked to sell so he gave them to me. He told me they should have in the bator a week before. I know they are fertile because she has broke a few and they were developing. I am expecting a hatch this weekend and I am going...
  3. hookedonchickens

    She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

    SuziQ thanks! That is my youngest grandson. Only a grandma would enjoy such a moment and take a picture. CK
  4. hookedonchickens

    She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

    I too put some fertile eggs under my bo broodie. The eggs were given to me because the gentleman selling them said they should have been put into the incubator a week ago so the hatch rate would not be great. The eggs should hatch this Saturday May 8. If I do not get a any to hatch I am going...
  5. hookedonchickens

    The war has been won in West Jordan, UT

    Hey, I live in West Jordan too. I am glad i am now legal!!!!!! I have my coop along side the neighbors dog run, with a 6' solid fence between. My chickens are alot quieter and do not smell as bad as those dogs. We are a flock of happy girls. ck
  6. hookedonchickens

    Best Egg Layers

    My black austrolorp lays a small light colored egg daily. They are a quiet shy birds. My best are my black sex links (they lay a large very dark egg) and RR's both lay 5+ a week. ck
  7. hookedonchickens

    I want a broody

    My Buff Orpington went broody. I thought they would not go broody with out a rooster. I have 10 fertile eggs under her. They are 20 to 5 days old and they are a mix breed. I have my fingers crosses that they will hatch it has been one week. She is a mean girl, if you look at her she puffs...
  8. hookedonchickens

    Pressure Cookers

    I have the all american canner 915. Holds 7 quarts or 8 pints. They are not recommended on the glass top stoves. It has no rubber gasket. It was expensive but I have had it 20 years and it still works like a charm. My family loves my home canned chile. Good Luck
  9. hookedonchickens

    Funnels aren't just good for "Tin-man" hats!

    I use a kids plastic traffic cone on the top of my water and feeder to keep the girls off. I purchased them at wal-mart in the toy sporting area. It keeps the girls off and the water and food clean.
  10. hookedonchickens

    Horribly deformed chick-Did I cause this?

    Sorry about your chick. Ck
  11. hookedonchickens

    Bread and more bread

    I would try a piece of both of them. Thay way I would know which one I would like a second piece of. I think I will bake some also. CK
  12. hookedonchickens


    Welcome Surprising! Hope to meet you. CK
  13. hookedonchickens


    Well, I too was in the red group. It was a good class. I plan on going to the tour and the park. What is the address. I hope to see you all there. CK
  14. hookedonchickens

    wtb-Salt Lake City Ut hatching eggs

    I want to try to incubate eggs. I have no luck with shipped eggs and would like to know of a local place to pick up fertile eggs and the cost. TY
  15. hookedonchickens

    My chickens on ABC's Nightline tonight!!

    Great Job! Loved the piece. With all the bad news on the tv that one put a smile on my face. Thanks CK
  16. hookedonchickens

    anyone ever order from Purely Poultry?

    This is a wonderful site. Ask and poof! Answer (most of the time) Thanks everyone for your posts. I want chicks and don't incubate. Again thanks CK
  17. hookedonchickens


    We really believe in free range. I am sure Sam Elliott would agree with me- as for cats they are what ever they want to be. Except being used for a club.
  18. hookedonchickens


    Welcome, I got some of my girls from sunnybrook. I will be stopping in to pick up some of the black-sex links next week too. Hope to hear alot from you. CK
  19. hookedonchickens

    Post office killed my chicks. I am in shock. pics - graphic

    I work for the po and the mailpersons are under a lot of pressure to get things done, and some of them are just lazy jerks (My postman). I call them on the unlisted number and tell them I am expecting a package.(that bugs them How did you get this number) I write them a letter telling them I am...
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