Duck Breed Focus - Muscovy

I clip mine - even speedys now since she flew off and yes, came back - the first time I was running out the door to find her and she was just standing outside the door, looking up at me - wagging her little tail and looking up at me as if to say what took you so long?! She proceeded to waddle her little butt into the house and make her way to the back door.
The second time though - she landed in the neighbor's yard and went walking up to the wrong door until she heard me calling her and she came running as fast as her little legs could go - flew up and landed on my shoulder, burying her head in my neck. We clipped her wings right then. It's to dangerous for them, in a neighborhood with dogs, ect...
Is it hard to trim them? Will I need to wear gloves to protect myself from those sharp claws? And do y'all clip one wing, or both?
Hi All, well Penelope is all grown up and during warm winter weather temperatures we moved her gradually from my house to the duck house. She boards with two welsh harlequin sisters and a rouen female. I have noticed that over the last two weeks Penelope who was previously very affectionate to me, since she bonded to me, has become very aggressive in guarding the duck house. As soon as I crack the door she is there sticking her head out the crack, talking (hissing), wagging her tail and posturing her wings! She puts her wings down so it creates the shape of a barn roof /---\ kind of like this. She will bite at me and if she gets a hold of a mitten, coat edge or snowpants she will not let go. My other ladies lay in nests and Penelope has vibrated and lunged up my back as I stooped to get eggs one day. She also tries to get the ladies behind her under the heat lamp and postures as described.

So I have switched trying to feed them their treats in the duck house and will lure the other girls out of the duck house into the yard to feed them. Penelope stays inside the duck house so I set a lettuce tray down and give her a wide birth to collect the eggs. Penelope will not be laying until at least mid April when she turns 7 months old.

Needless to say I AM DEVASTATED that she has seemingly turned against me from this sweet girl to a hissing demon duck and is protecting her housemates and their eggs. She would perch on my arm and fly off as well as fly to me in the yard. She would follow me everywhere but is now obsessed with guarding.

Is this normal? Should I wait to see if her temper improves come spring when there is no snow? I am worried that when the other ladies return to their pond Penelope will have another crisis. This is my first Muscovy and I have never experienced aggressiveness in ducks before. I have had 4 different breeds over the years here and this is new.

Thank you. Liv.
Sounds like a Broody hissy fit to me although I’ve never had one of my female Muscovys lunge up my back my drake did once when he got to breeding age. Are you absolutely sure this is a female? Hormones can change one from affectionate to a grump or to one wanting to mate with owner if there aren’t any drakes around
Sounds like a Broody hissy fit to me although I’ve never had one of my female Muscovys lunge up my back my drake did once when he got to breeding age. Are you absolutely sure this is a female? Hormones can change one from affectionate to a grump or to one wanting to mate with owner if there aren’t any drakes around

I am pretty certain Penelope is a female but I can retake pictures if needed?
Is there anything to do about the broody hissy fits? I suppose she would make a wonderful mother. I wouldn't want to take her on.:mad: :oops:

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