Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

:lau  Tell them "Why yes, close cousin to the cockatoo, but they taste just like chicken!" :lau

Grrrr, I'd be annoyed to get people expecting free eggs too. I give free eggs to my mom and the neighbors who we share a driveway with because they always have to dodge my chickens. That's it. Well, my sister when she visits, but she lives out of town so it's not like I see her often. I try to send her home with like 3 dozen!

Ha! I wish I were quick, with something to say right then. It never happens that way.
I know dozens of home schooled kids.  They stand head and shoulders academically above their same age peers who attend public school.  And, from my observation, those home schooled kids also excel in the way they handle themselves in all social situations including peer interactions and multi age interactions.  I honestly don't know how the stereotype of home school kids lacking social skills got started.  Many home schooled kids in my area do all of their academic work at home, or they may attend high school for a course or two that would be difficult to complete at home, like a chemistry class with labs, and they participate in school sports.  

Now, back to chicken stuff.  I was transporting my chicks out to their grow out coop today.  Jack the roo was out ranging with his girls, and he saw me carrying this box full of peepers.  He came rushing over, and immediately started clucking and picking up tidbits to feed to his chicks!  

I've known a few people who were a little weird but I guess it's not all of them and/or is mean to think it is ha sorry and yeah, idk how the whole stereotype started

Twice in two days, I have been asked for a free dozen eggs. Last week, someone offered to take them off my hands because I "must have so many". This isn't because they can't pay the $2 a dozen, but because they don't want to. Even though I do gift eggs, to assume they are up for grabs for free annoys me. I work hard! And no matter how many I have, there is always some way to use them here. I don't even have to have cash, I trade for seedlings, or, produce, or, well, anything useful to me, really. Just, no freebies.

Passerby today insisted that my silkie is not! could not! be a chicken, but rather some other type of bird, maybe related to a cockatoo or something. And also, from the same person, shock when I told him that the ducks lay eggs.

On homeschooling, I have kids that are homeschooled, and allowed to be as weird as they wanna be, allowed to learn whatever they're inspired to learn, and aren't rushed in subjects they have trouble with or held back when something comes naturally to them.

wow that's awesome! Definitely see rhe value in that. But I thought they held you back when you failed? Or do you just mean something else comes naturally to them rather than whatever they're held back for? And okay, stupid question here because I think I know the answer, but what if they don't like math, say? Not inspired to learn it. Do they just not learn it or do they learn it later? Btw, I'm not trying to take anything down, I really do think it can be a good idea, just wondering.

That said, I don't think I could homeschool. Too much work aha but I would make sure to find a good school and move there not just a terrible one aha

I did also know someone who switched out of public school cause they were bullied and had also missed a lot of school for other reasons and I think those reasons are good too.
IMO, public school is a joke.  Home schooled kids can get all of their work done in 1/2 of the time, and when comparing the average home schooled kid's standards to the standards of public school kids, most HS kids show higher scores.  I won't even go into the rant about the amount of tax money for public school compared to many private schools who provide superior education at a fraction of the cost per student.  

And the extra homework?  How is it that the average adult works his 8 hour day, and then gets to go home, and be done with work till the next morning.  While the student does a full day of classes and is then expected to go home and do hours of HW every night???

You do make good points but I think it depends on the school too. My school was pretty good and it's supposedly ranked pretty high but they don't really do much to help the kids and a lot of the good teachers retired now. And the admin has gotten out of control lol

But some schools like city ones have such a low budget and are terrible.

But yeah, the homework and the fact they're doing more work and harder more advanced stuff at younger and younger ages is ridiculous.

But I don't know, I also think that like yeah, they can maybe learn a lot and faster being homeschooled, but the social element isn't really there which imo is just as important. I mean, yeah, good scores are nice but later in life it's the social skills that are important and need to be learned.

Although I guess now they have websites and homeschooling programs and stuff where parents meet up for field trips so they get the social part there some

It's a wonderful school district. Elementary kids get 2 recesses, gym, and music class daily. 
Sports teams count as P.E. credits. The high school still has home ec., automotive, and wood shop classes.
For such small schools, they really try to offer the most well rounded education possible. The focus isn't all on the state testing scores.

I think the problem is a lot of it comes down from CORE and stuff; they have sooo much to learn that they're learning more earlier and also getting ridiculous homework loads to try to meet all the requirements and/or get good test scores

Funny. I don't know a single employed person who does homework until twelve am. 

I will tell all of you this. I work in a public school. I tutor kids K-3. I work with both the low and high kids. I've worked with kids that were homeschooled and kids that have always been in a public school. Usually the homeschool kids are in grades lower than what the rest of their age group is. They don't test as high as their age group. So putting them in the same grade would waste everyone's time including the child's. It sounds mean but I would rather the kid survive the year without added stress of being behind and being retained.
Now before you think I'm just bashing homeschooling, one of my college friends was homeschooled. She was top of the class, very intelligent. BUT she struggled at the social aspect of college. She was friendly but quiet and had trouble interacting with others.

Public school kids are learning things earlier than when I was in school. There is more standardized testing going on, and I think that's ridiculous.

Junebuggena I wish the school I work at was set up like yours! 2 recess times a day would be great! And sports teams counting as PE credit would benefit those kids by having more time in core classes where they seem to struggle.

Having a study hall halfway through the day helped complete hw. I'm not sure why all high schools do not have it. It's a great way to finish hw due later that day or for kids who don't have Internet at home to do their work.

And I might not be your average adult. I go to work early and stay late. I don't get overtime pay for it. I also take work home with me unfortunately.

Let me end the above by saying the school system is far from perfect. They have standards to meet that get changed every year by the state. The budget sometimes suck and there are many outdated things in schools (computers, text books).
getting back on topic..... as this is a useless circle we would be here all day debating and for no reason, it's obvious that even though talking about school sounds fun I'm pretty sure they aren't saying silly things about our chickens

I had a lady walk down our road yesterday afternoon, I was planting some flowers by our stone wall and this is our conversation

her "hello, are those your chickens"
me "why yes they are"
her "oh...... (10 seconds of silence) don't they poop a lot?"
me "well they do poop.... it's good fertilizer"
her "do you use the fertilizer for plants that you eat?"
me "yeah it helps the plants grow once composted"
her as she turns to walk away "that is disgusting I would never be able to eat stuff that had chicken poop in it"
me "uh-huh... have a great day.... you know manure is used in most of the food you eat right?"
she just keeps walking at a brisk pace

END scene

I can't even explain the bewilderment on this person's face... it was pretty amazing lol
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I've known a few people who were a little weird but I guess it's not all of them and/or is mean to think it is ha sorry and yeah, idk how the whole stereotype started
wow that's awesome! Definitely see rhe value in that. But I thought they held you back when you failed? Or do you just mean something else comes naturally to them rather than whatever they're held back for? And okay, stupid question here because I think I know the answer, but what if they don't like math, say? Not inspired to learn it. Do they just not learn it or do they learn it later? Btw, I'm not trying to take anything down, I really do think it can be a good idea, just wondering.

That said, I don't think I could homeschool. Too much work aha but I would make sure to find a good school and move there not just a terrible one aha

I did also know someone who switched out of public school cause they were bullied and had also missed a lot of school for other reasons and I think those reasons are good too.

My daughter,when in 5th grade, had a B in math on her first quarter report card. She didn't understand any of it, and I wasn't seeing any math tests. How'd she get that B??? Extra credit, aimed at her comprehension level. Had I not been paying attention, she would have continued floundering in silence. The next school year, she would have gotten real grades (I assume) and I would wonder what happened to her good grades.
Math is a necessity. When I started homeschooling, I had to work with her for a longer amount of time that she would have been given in the classroom. It was hard work to get her where she needed to be.
As far as learning what they are interested in, more like Kid saw an article/Nat Geo program/ read a book, whatever, so now they want to know more about Chinese history instead of continuing with European history. Why hold them back and make them continue with European history?
When they have trouble, they learn at their own pace, because rushing through does them no good.
My daughter,when in 5th grade, had a B in math on her first quarter report card. She didn't understand any of it, and I wasn't seeing any math tests. How'd she get that B??? Extra credit, aimed at her comprehension level. Had I not been paying attention, she would have continued floundering in silence. The next school year, she would have gotten real grades (I assume) and I would wonder what happened to her good grades.
Math is a necessity. When I started homeschooling, I had to work with her for a longer amount of time that she would have been given in the classroom. It was hard work to get her where she needed to be.
As far as learning what they are interested in, more like Kid saw an article/Nat Geo program/ read a book, whatever, so now they want to know more about Chinese history instead of continuing with European history. Why hold them back and make them continue with European history?
When they have trouble, they learn at their own pace, because rushing through does them no good.
getting back on topic..... as this is a useless circle we would be here all day debating and for no reason, it's obvious that even though talking about school sounds fun I'm pretty sure they aren't saying silly things about our chickens

I had a lady walk down our road yesterday afternoon, I was planting some flowers by our stone wall and this is our conversation

her "hello, are those your chickens"
me "why yes they are"
her "oh...... (10 seconds of silence) don't they poop a lot?"
me "well they do poop.... it's good fertilizer"
her "do you use the fertilizer for plants that you eat?"
me "yeah it helps the plants grow once composted"
her as she turns to walk away "that is disgusting I would never be able to eat stuff that had chicken poop in it"
me "uh-huh... have a great day.... you know manure is used in most of the food you eat right?"
she just keeps walking at a brisk pace

END scene

 I can't even explain the bewilderment on this person's face... it was pretty amazing lol

Wow. Just...WOW.

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