Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Wow those pictures are really cool. I want Muscovies now lol.
Thank you. They are soo much fun!

That's great! Andromeda does a trip around house every morning and lands in Creek while poor Neptune lumbers on behind her
Thank you. My first drake's wings were clipped. His girls would fly back and forth to our stock tank and he would be on the ground going back and forth. It was kind of funny.

Look forward to pic!!
These are our newest girls! And they are girls! Im pretty sure anyway.

Also got two Peking hens. Everyone seems to be getting along so far. Neptune showing off for the new girls lol

Thanks. The cute white one flew out of coop last night when kids were getting water and spent the night Mia. Spent all day looking for her. We have a creek running through yard, under road and out into a field. She must have been pretty far down. Then tonight she lands right next to me, dogs freaked out and she flew back over road and into field. Found her in an old beaver house we partially ripped out. My hubby caught her with the net so she's back home. Although she figured out it was home after less then 48 hrs so that's cool. And the only Muscovy out of the three I got the Sat before last that turned out to be a girl started hissing at me. So guessing another drake. That makes 4. Ugh.
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Sorry I'm worse than a first time mom with baby pics. They are all getting along! Wish I could have seen Neptune get his big butt up there by the ladies lol. And the three boys are just chillin on the ground. Have to figure out who I'm keeping...

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