November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

I am wondering would 65% humidity in in my incubator be ok??
When? Days 1 - 18 no, but 19 - 21, I run between 65 and 70. Thei eggs need to increase the air cell by a certain amount in order for them to hatch correctly. I believe that temps that high in the early days, they won't be able to lose enough.
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Okay. Day 10/11. Out of 18 eggs total (14 in Green Batch, buff laced Brahmas, and 4 silver laced Brahmas in Purple Batch), we have six dancers, one maybe, and one definite recent quit, all in Green Batch. It was so cool! In one of them I could see the blood near the embryo pulse brighter as his little heart beat.

From here on out I know what needs to be done, on paper anyway, but those of you who have done this a hundred times, can you give a walkthrough? This is worse than the last month of pregnancy and I want to be sure my metaphorical go bag is packed.
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Thank all off yall for the info I was looking today at the eggs and one was cracked but the shell was pushed out and it is leaking was no visible crack when i put it in what happened???????????? :(( also I am not sure what kind of eggs they man gave me he said chicken but there are about 10 in there that are a lot lighter and longer with brown/pink spots and they said all the eggs come from red sex links and Plymouth's. Pulled a plug and the humid is at 44% and the temp it clams to be 99.5 and shows a happy chick popping out of an egg to say safe temp for chicks to develop lol. Some also have hard lump of extra shell on the ends like shell wort should i worry. I am going to start marking them with the x and o next time it turn them about 10 at a time so that i dont have them away from heat to long. I dont care what my babies are as long as they are healthy.
Didn't know there was such a thing as a Nov hatch-a-long. For us, this is not a good time of year to hatch, but DD talked her sci teacher (& parents) into allowing her to do an incubation experiment for her sci fair project. She wants to know if store eggs can be hatched.

So far, we could not obtain fertile chicken eggs from the grocery store (Tried several diff brands & ate plenty of omelets while checking for fertility. Even talked with store managers at Whole Foods & Trader Joes.) We ended up getting some fertile eggs from a farmer's market to compare hatch rates to our own backyard eggs. On a whim we bought some quail eggs from the local grocery store down the street & were very surprised to discover they were fertile. The harder part was obtaining fresh quail hatching eggs for the control group. Being Nov, the egg production & fertility is way down. We had to drive over an hour to obtain quail eggs & even the breeder said few of her eggs would hatch. She said her male quail are present but not actively doing their job this time of year. If our DD really wants to stick with the idea, she can do a few more trials in the spring & enter it as a 4H poultry sci experiment. In the meantime, her school requires that she completes a self-designed experiment that will be due in January.

Anyway, DD started both groups of chicken eggs last week & they should hatch on Thanksgiving. A 2nd incubator was set up for the 3 groups of quail eggs (store, farmer's market, & breeder hatching eggs). Since we never hatched quail before, she decided to keep them separate.

Because we will likely have snow by the time these chicks arrive, a low hatch rate would not be too bad. (My opinion, not hers.)
For those wondering about when to turn...I personally start turning the day I set them, unless it's at night of course..then I turn in the morning. I turn three times a know, with the X on one side, and the big 0 on the other side.
If you have a turner, no does it for you! :)

I do humidity in the 20's to the mid 30's. Lock down I don't go over mid 60's. That's for a still air..for air, I will go upper 60's for lock down.

Cute babies being shown. More?

Good luck to the classroom eggs!! Always fun!
Didn't know there was such a thing as a Nov hatch-a-long. For us, this is not a good time of year to hatch, but DD talked her sci teacher (& parents) into allowing her to do an incubation experiment for her sci fair project. She wants to know if store eggs can be hatched.

So far, we could not obtain fertile chicken eggs from the grocery store (Tried several diff brands & ate plenty of omelets while checking for fertility. Even talked with store managers at Whole Foods & Trader Joes.) We ended up getting some fertile eggs from a farmer's market to compare hatch rates to our own backyard eggs. On a whim we bought some quail eggs from the local grocery store down the street & were very surprised to discover they were fertile. The harder part was obtaining fresh quail hatching eggs for the control group. Being Nov, the egg production & fertility is way down. We had to drive over an hour to obtain quail eggs & even the breeder said few of her eggs would hatch. She said her male quail are present but not actively doing their job this time of year. If our DD really wants to stick with the idea, she can do a few more trials in the spring & enter it as a 4H poultry sci experiment. In the meantime, her school requires that she completes a self-designed experiment that will be due in January.

Anyway, DD started both groups of chicken eggs last week & they should hatch on Thanksgiving. A 2nd incubator was set up for the 3 groups of quail eggs (store, farmer's market, & breeder hatching eggs). Since we never hatched quail before, she decided to keep them separate.

Because we will likely have snow by the time these chicks arrive, a low hatch rate would not be too bad. (My opinion, not hers.)

What kind of quail?

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