November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

I just did day 7 candle and found 9 clears and 1 quiter in the Breese eggs I purchased :-(
Still have 13 with veining but they seem underdeveloped to what I'm used to seeing with my own eggs. Not a happy day.

Yeah, I also candled tonight, had to toss quite a few. Clears, and some blood rings. Down to 5 NN's, and 8 silkie eggs. At least they are swimming strong for now..crossing fingers that they stay strong. I worry about the end of the second week. Not sure what is going on, but the past few hatches, I've had a few quit during the second week, then there is lock down. Always worry then too. Hope I don't lose anymore!

I wrote a longer message but my phone deleted it.
Congrats to everyone who's hatched so far. Here's my 8 fluffballs. Waiting on 3 more eggs.

Congratulations! Soo cute!
Update on saddle cell #2:


It's been 9 hours since DH was able to locate the beak and assist this chick. I can tell that many of the veins have receded, and it is breathing normally. it's positioning is concerning me though. It was upside down and the yolk hasn't yet fully absorbed though today will be day 23. I've covered the inner membrane in antibiotic ointment and we are waiting to see. I've read Sally's thread many times over (it's very helpful). Since it can breathe, we wait for the veins to thin out in the inner membrane, correct? The positioning is so poor I'm concerned it won't be able to absorb the yolk.
Update on saddle cell #2:


It's been 9 hours since DH was able to locate the beak and assist this chick. I can tell that many of the veins have receded, and it is breathing normally. it's positioning is concerning me though. It was upside down and the yolk hasn't yet fully absorbed though today will be day 23. I've covered the inner membrane in antibiotic ointment and we are waiting to see. I've read Sally's thread many times over (it's very helpful). Since it can breathe, we wait for the veins to thin out in the inner membrane, correct? The positioning is so poor I'm concerned it won't be able to absorb the yolk.

Is the yolk covering the chick or is it solid by it belly? My bad air cell chick also had a scrambled yolk so it's belly button closed w/o absorbing it all. Is it peeping
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Is the yolk covering the chick or is it solid by it belly? My bad air cell chick also had a scrambled yolk so it's belly button closed w/o absorbing it all. Is it peeping

It's solid by its belly, and yes it's peeping and wriggling, it's head is turned upside down under a wing.

Here's a better pic

And the yolk
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It's solid by its belly, and yes it's peeping and wriggling, it's head is turned upside down under a wing.

Here's a better pic

And the yolk

Oh man. I hope it absorbs it soon.

We had one more hatch this morning. I candled the two unpipped and didn't see movement or an interal pip. I might do the float test when I get home.
Whoot! Catching up on reading..maybe you have a chick by now. Will know if you posted that in a few.
Thanks so much for the support!!
There is so much difference between having a zero hatch and having one chick. I have one chick!

Little Daisy is strong and healthy. I am so glad I assisted, and very grateful for the advice from my BYC pals. 4 week old Cleopatra (a Silkie from the October-Hatch-a-Long) has stepped up to cuddle Daisy. It is so cute when Daisy snuggles under the Silkie. I wonder how that will look when the Wyandotte is three times the Silkie's size!

Thanks so much for the support!! There is so much difference between having a zero hatch and having one chick. I have one chick! :love Little Daisy is strong and healthy. I am so glad I assisted, and very grateful for the advice from my BYC pals. 4 week old Cleopatra (a Silkie from the October-Hatch-a-Long) has stepped up to cuddle Daisy. It is so cute when Daisy snuggles under the Silkie. I wonder how that will look when the Wyandotte is three times the Silkie's size!
Yay Daisy!!!! Congrats :)

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