November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Thank you! I did see some things swimming around, but not quite sure what I am seeing. I'm trying to do it fast so I don't mess up the eggs. There are 39 eggs in there so I didn't want to mess them up by taking too much time.

The Marans are very dark and shadowy but maybe next time like you said I can see more.

Time to get the brooder ready:)

I have Marans in now and idk if I will have 7 babies or none drives me nuts lol good luck!! I did have one stinker I caught luckily tho before it blew
Man. I'm so disappointed. There was one silver colored chick which I hadn't seen that color of before that decided it was a good idea to sleep away from the heat and died. It was my favorite of this hatch. I use the heating pad method and have successfully raised many chicks that way. Never had one die like this. :-( And it's always got to be the prettiest one.
So my incubator dropped to 47 last night should should I should be ok??

47 is way too low. I've heard of them surviving low 90s or even 80s for a short period but I'm worried about whether they could make it through a dip that significant. Hopefully someone with more experience can weigh in today for you to give you a better idea.
Man. I'm so disappointed. There was one silver colored chick which I hadn't seen that color of before that decided it was a good idea to sleep away from the heat and died. It was my favorite of this hatch. I use the heating pad method and have successfully raised many chicks that way. Never had one die like this. :-( And it's always got to be the prettiest one.

I'm sorry :( I lost a chick last night as well
Haha sorry should have put it diff. 47% humidity the temperatur ddidn't drop drop be low 100

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