November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

today is day 15 for these. We started with 17 My girls and I candled and pulled the 6 clears and one blood ring today... leaving us with 10, air sacks are getting bigger and we saw movement in all but one that looked questionable, some of these are pullet eggs, so on the small side and almost full of chick already.... this is our first hatch so we are hopeful
Awesome name for a rooster!

Incubating pullet eggs should be OK.  It's not a 1st choice because the embryos have less room to grow, so the chicks may be smaller.  Pullets can also have irreg. shapes & shells.  However, if it's what you've got on hand & you're testing out the incubator, then why not?  

Keep track of what you did (# & type of eggs, temp & humidity readings on a specific thermometer, days when you candled with results, when eggs pipped, hatched, & the final results.)  That way when you incubate again, you can make subtle adjustments to attempt higher hatch rates.

Thanks so much! Yes, I have a notebook on the counter for that very purpose. I am concerned about candling the BCM egg, although only a few are super dark. I think laying cycle lightening of color is responsible for that; not a dishonest seller.
Argghhh! Remind me never to let my Barred Rock, Barbie, sit on eggs again! Her chicks were due today so I went and checked her.....three eggshad hatched, and those three chicks were squashed under her! Two eggs were pipping so I took those off her and they have hatched in my incubator. So now I have two (nearly) fluffies in the incubator and I want to take them out and put them in the brooder that I have had to hastily set up in daughter's bedroom. Tell me not to open the incubator because there are 38 eggs on lock-down and due tomorrow!
Argghhh! Remind me never to let my Barred Rock, Barbie, sit on eggs again! Her chicks were due today so I went and checked her.....three eggshad hatched, and those three chicks were squashed under her! Two eggs were pipping so I took those off her and they have hatched in my incubator. So now I have two (nearly) fluffies in the incubator and I want to take them out and put them in the brooder that I have had to hastily set up in daughter's bedroom. Tell me not to open the incubator because there are 38 eggs on lock-down and due tomorrow!

Oh no!! Idk I would probably try to sneak them out quick so they don't roll the others and if your hatch runs a little long that could mess up everything...? IMO I open mine the day before to add water quick some ppl use w/ a spray bottle to mist the bator walls
I decided to leave them in the incubator until morning. Have just been woken up by a huge earthquake in the South Island (we are in the other island of NZ) so had to get up and check them. They are sound asleep so will leave them. It is half past midnight and there have been another three big quakes, so I think I will stay up now and do the ironing!
I decided to leave them in the incubator until morning. Have just been woken up by a huge earthquake in the South Island (we are in the other island of NZ) so had to get up and check them. They are sound asleep so will leave them. It is half past midnight and there have been another three big quakes, so I think I will stay up now and do the ironing!

Well take care of yourself!! That's scary and yes maybe under those conditions unwound leave them right where they r. If there is plenty of room then it's not an issue I would like to get a larger hatcher so I don't stress as much about them crowding this next hatch is split between 2 bators in hopes I can control myself and not pull them out....
My 4 Welsh Harlequin eggs went into lockdown yesterday, and 3/4 have pipped!

It was quite stressful due to the fact I couldn't raise my humidity in my RCOM 20 pro. After filling the waterwell, spraying it twice, adding loads of sponges and even putting a shallow dish of HOT water, the humidity didn't change from 45%! I presume that the humidity reader is broken, but I still didn't want to take the chance, so I moved them to my second incubator, an RCOM 10 pro.

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