November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

I am rather wishing now that instead of starting our other broody over, I had divided the eggs from the other nest. I didn't do that because I did not expect the remaining 4 to hatch. I thought maybe 1 would actually hatch. Had I divided them, one would have 7, the other would have 8, and I am betting they would all have made it.

I am very sad today because my little Fighter did not make it. I am not sure what happend, but this is what I suspect happened. The momma went outside, but 3 chicks were left behind. They huddled together in a nest box... one of the favorite nest boxes... my little one I think may have gotten stepped on, and another chick got pecked and injured, its face is pretty bloodied up. The other escaped injury, and was huddled close to the injured one just crying. Also, the three little black ones got chased away by the momma. So now I have a box set up in my bathroom with 5 little chicks in it till I can get the brooder set up.

I have been able to give water to the injured one, but what should I put on its injuries? And what else should I get to give it? I am debating back and forth between doctoring it and putting it down. It still seems strong, but it cannot see out of one eye (though I think the eye is actually still there).

I know the momma is still young and inexperienced, but I am not at all impressed with her mothering. I have not had these things happen with any of my other broodies.

Neosporin has always worked well for me. Babies tend to recover fast so I'd give it a chance. Electrolytes and maybe some runny scrambled eggs would help too.
Neosporin has always worked well for me. Babies tend to recover fast so I'd give it a chance. Electrolytes and maybe some runny scrambled eggs would help too.
x2 Make sure the antibiotic ointment does not have the pain relief - toxic to chickens. If you do not have the pre-made electrolyte powder on hand, there' are a couple DIY recipes on BYC. A little TLC goes a long way.
Looks like Thanksgiving is a popular hatch date on this thread. DD's chicken eggs are due then. The quail incubator is set to hatch on the 22nd. (Thought it would be easier to keep them apart.)
Had a feather legged banty start setting a week and a half ago so i saved my game eggs all week took the one shes setting on away and reset her with 8 american game eggs. Cant wait!!! Due December 2nd.
I have 14 babies and three still hatching in the incubator! Yay!

I had an acquaintance come over with three 12 year old girls to see the chicks. They had never seen chicks before and couldn't believe how soft they were etc. You should have seen their eyes pop out when I showed them the three in the 'bator- one has pipped, and the other two are zipping. I actually feel quite sad that children don't see this kind of thing! Even the Mum got a kick out of holding a 1 day old chick :)
Did your hen push the eggs out or eat them?

My little Bantam Orpington always hatches 7 chicks - no matter the number I give her.
When I gave her 8-10 LF eggs, not all developed & she hatched 7 chicks. Once the bad egg was pushed out, & the other time she had sticky egg on her feathers which she cleaned up herself.
When I gave her 5 eggs, she stole 2 extras from other nests & hatched 7 chicks.  That was a surprise!
When I gave her 7 eggs, she hatched all 7 chicks.

The broken eggs were pushed out of the nest and there was inner egg matter attched. But it looked and felt like about half of the inside was gone. I removed the shells.
Bear in mind there are still,3 silkie chicks in with the parents. It may have been one or all of them that ate some egg.
I know it sounds strange but any time Mima brooded eggs her husband Roo stays with her and is polite and protective. Same with chicks which I move in the week before new eggs hatch.
The eggs that got broken started dirty and questionable. It seems she knew?

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