November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Well after 24 hours, nothing from two of the remaining three eggs. I float tested them and no movement, both bobbing on the top so I am assuming they were late quitters. The third egg (the one I added a couple days late) however is rocking and chirping so I am hopeful I will have a second chick to join the lonely one.
I'll have lost my mind by the time this is over. Day 19 and waiting for pips. I keep trying to remind myself that this could be as much as a 24 day thing but it's as bad as waiting those last couple weeks of pregnancy. It feels like nothing will ever happen!

Congratulations on all the hatches so far. I love the pictures!
Okay yall i have a problem with my first hatch with my first incubator I need advice. I set eggs on the 7th still air hand turn. I set 6 1/2 dozen I found one that was cracked tried fixing still has not went bad so i think i am good with it. I candled today at 10 days and just did about 1 dozen the really light colored eggs. The man told me they were fertile but i am starting to think other wise i have had to throw one away because it went bad and have another in there that is bad i just cant find it. But anyway... I candled today and what i saw was just a large yoke no veins in any of them and nothing else that was it. They have air cells but no veins what is wrong what should i do.
Okay yall i have a problem with my first hatch with my first incubator I need advice.  I set eggs on the 7th still air hand turn.  I set 6 1/2 dozen I found one that was cracked tried fixing still has not went bad so i think i am good with it.  I candled today at 10 days and just did about 1 dozen the really light colored eggs.  The man told me they were fertile but i am starting to think other wise i have had to throw one away because it went bad and have another in there that is bad i just cant find it.  But anyway... I candled today and what i saw was just a large yoke no veins in any of them and nothing else that was it.  They have air cells but no veins what is wrong what should i do. 

My original batch did the same thing. I ended up having to toss 14 eggs, only two of which grew at all. I don't know what to tell you about this batch except check them all and toss the bad ones and for the next round, invest in the little fan attachment. Supposedly it makes a big difference.
Also, double check your temps because incubators are notorious for being incorrect. They also need to be in the most temperature stable place in your house, since they don't adjust to temperature swings well. There are a few tricks to make a still air work better, but they can still be tough to hatch in.

Sorry about your eggs!
Okay yall i have a problem with my first hatch with my first incubator I need advice. I set eggs on the 7th still air hand turn. I set 6 1/2 dozen I found one that was cracked tried fixing still has not went bad so i think i am good with it. I candled today at 10 days and just did about 1 dozen the really light colored eggs. The man told me they were fertile but i am starting to think other wise i have had to throw one away because it went bad and have another in there that is bad i just cant find it. But anyway... I candled today and what i saw was just a large yoke no veins in any of them and nothing else that was it. They have air cells but no veins what is wrong what should i do.
I'm so sorry for your disappointment. If you see nothing but a yolk by day 10, then surely the eggs are not developing. Try candlling with the brightest flashlight you have. (Candling is fun but there's a little art to it as well. I'd hate for you to give up because of a weak battery or poor positioning.) If you're pretty sure they're clear, do an egg-topsy of an egg or 2 to verify that they're not developing.

The next thing I'd recommend is to troubleshoot. Try to figure out what happened & correct whatever things you can.
- Eggs could not have been fertile, but that's not the only explanation.
- Improper care of eggs between gathering & incubation
- Eggs were refrigerated below 40'F or exposed to extreme hot/cold.
- Eggs were washed
- Fertile eggs more than a week old before start of incubation
- Incorrect incubation temp (high or low)
- Incorrect humidity (although this usually doesn't prevent the start of development)
- Not having the incubator running steady prior to adding eggs = temp fluctuations
- A temp spike
- Power outage
- Eggs got shaken & some membranes ruptured. (Very very common in shipped eggs)
One chick out, one zipping, and all the rest pipped! Hard to tear myself away from the incubator.
Boy do we understand that!!!!
I ended up making my own incubator that had to have a giant viewing window. (Got tired of kids fighting over the tiny view.)
Now we can all sit around and watch "the incubation channel." The kids talk & sing to the chicks as they hatch. Of course we also look like a family of raccoons during the hatching days. Anytime someone is awake at night for a potty break, the incubator is checked. If there are any zipping, a shout calls out & we're all crowding around to watch. No one gets any decent sleep until they're all in the brooder.

So what is the hot new game with all the young chicks??? Egg bowling of course

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