November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!


So what is the hot new game with all the young chicks??? Egg bowling of course

I finally got tired of it and took 4 of the chicks out and put them in the brooder. :gig

I did the same drives me NUTS!!! I swear one was suffocated a cpl hatches ago from getting rolled then belly flopped on! My leghorns popped right today is day 20 my Marans still aren't pipped so they gotta move out!!!

I finally got tired of it and took 4 of the chicks out and put them in the brooder. :gig

Wow yup we just put 4 in the brooder here one white leghorn, one leghorn mixed with a brown egg layer ( not sure which one 39 girls in one pen,turken, golden sexlink, rir, delaware, speckled Sussex, welsummer,and a cucoo maran) one leghorn mixed with ee and a rir mixed with welsummer.
Very exciting!
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I'm so sorry for your disappointment. If you see nothing but a yolk by day 10, then surely the eggs are not developing. Try candlling with the brightest flashlight you have. (Candling is fun but there's a little art to it as well. I'd hate for you to give up because of a weak battery or poor positioning.) If you're pretty sure they're clear, do an egg-topsy of an egg or 2 to verify that they're not developing.

The next thing I'd recommend is to troubleshoot. Try to figure out what happened & correct whatever things you can.
- Eggs could not have been fertile, but that's not the only explanation.
- Improper care of eggs between gathering & incubation
- Eggs were refrigerated below 40'F or exposed to extreme hot/cold.
- Eggs were washed
- Fertile eggs more than a week old before start of incubation
- Incorrect incubation temp (high or low)
- Incorrect humidity (although this usually doesn't prevent the start of development)
- Not having the incubator running steady prior to adding eggs = temp fluctuations
- A temp spike
- Power outage
- Eggs got shaken & some membranes ruptured. (Very very common in shipped eggs)
They where local shipped by me he said he washed some spots with a wet napkin he stored them point up. They where not refigerated or over hot i dont think because they where room temp when i got them and he had them sitting on the table with lots of others. They may have been over a week old idk I set up bator let it run for 3 days with extra thermometer and humility. No power outage. I had one other incubator but it holds like 3 and i did that 4 times and got 2 chicks but it could not hold its temp very well and would crash by like 10 degrees all the time. And those eggs had been shook up by a dog trying to eat them only got a few and they were older eggs to. I have done everything text book for this and nothing. Some do not even have air cells and i have the humitiy at like 30
Ok, so, I've began to incubate my eggs a few days ago. And the electricity went out for about 2hrs and the incubator went down to 89 degrees and then when the electricity came on, it end up hitting 106 degrees and it took a few tries but I finally got it back to 100. I'm hoping it wasn't at 106 too long. Has any one had this happen and still had their eggs hatch? Also, my humidity seems to bounce between 50% and 30%. And I do not open it,so, I don't know why it's bouncing around. It's a still air incubator and holds around 40 eggs and it's filled up!

Brown split to isabel leghorns so cute all of them hatched great from cj walden!! So happy Pyrix lives near by and is taking a few for her breeding program! So happy when they can go to a great home too!!!

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