November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!


You all are the only ones who understand how much excitement this little set up can bring! We are on day 14, will candle tonight - Wahoo! Still don't have a firm plan for our "planned power outage" this next Thursday (it's a 6 hour outage, so definitely need a plan) had the neighbors over last night - we were thinking of stringing extension cords from their place - but they'll be out too. Maybe time to see if the old generator in the garage has some life yet... I really hate the idea of transporting them to someone's house - I have visions of tripping on my way out to the car, and ruining the entire batch!

Day 14..better than day 4 for a power outage that long! You may want to take that trip to a neighbors if it's going to be that long..could be longer? Good luck!
It's a personal choice, but I don't help unless they have externally pipped. Others feel that they would rather try and give the chick a chance. It's really a personal decision. For me, if they are not vigorous enough to make that first break, there is probably something off and I may not want to pass on those genetics in my flock. Of course, if I paid a bunch for shipped eggs,, I do intervene a bit more,

If it's been over 24 hours since the last one hatched and there's no external pip you could chip/drill (like with the end of a screw flicking outward) an air hole in the fat end of the air cell, but by doing that, you are often committing to a full assist.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
Out of six eggs at lockdown, four hatched.

The fourth needed an assist and I'm wondering if you guys can help deduce why. The chick had picked away a good hole in the egg shell, to the point that you could see the chick well. The membranes dried and trapped it, though, and it couldn't get free. Humidity was high, temp was stable, and my first three had no such problem. My last two eggs quit, one around the start of lockdown I think but the other, upon investigation, seems to have run into the dry membrane problem too and couldn't get positioned quite right in time. Any thoughts why two would run into this when the others didn't?
OK question I have an auto Turner is it still good good to leave the eggs in there to hatch even when it turns every 2 hours ??? I seen people say to stop turning them but mine just keeps going on time every time like It should :-/
OK question I have an auto Turner is it still good good to leave the eggs in there to hatch even when it turns every 2 hours ??? I seen people say to stop turning them but mine just keeps going on time every time like It should :-/
On the advice of a friend, I've stopped turning earlier which some people believe will help prevent malpositions.

The chicks flop around like crazy after they hatch, and there is a possibility they could get caught in the turner and get injured. Why take the risk?
Does anyone know if there's a way to "share" pics off the [hone/camera directly here?
I'm able to share direct to email or facebook, etc. I try to download the pics I've sent to my own email but it only saves them incorrectly as documents (html). New laptop, old brain!
When in the reply box, tap the box above that looks like a mountain. You should get a screen that has an "embed an image" button (you might have to scroll up a bit). Then tap "upload from my device" and then navigate to where your picture is stored, such as in your photo library or on your camera roll. At least, that's how it works on my phone.

4 of 13 hatched so far for me. I love seeing all the baby chicks! (sorry for the dark pics. I'm out of town and that's the best my wife could get)


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