November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Okay well i set 6 1/2 dozen eggs on the 6th of this month I pulled out a dozen and a half last week because no development and the rest are to dark for me to see in with my light I dont think I will have any chicks sadly as it seams i have bought unfertilized eggs.
Okay well i set 6 1/2 dozen eggs on the 6th of this month I pulled out a dozen and a half last week because no development and the rest are to dark for me to see in with my light I dont think I will have any chicks sadly as it seams i have bought unfertilized eggs.

Were they from someone local or shipped eggs? Shipped eggs are far more troublesome it doesn't always mean they were unfertilized the air cells could of been damaged etc. I have had great hatches and horrible hatches w/ shipped eggs. Are you sure your temp is accurate in the incubator w/ a secondary thermometer mine on my incubator is never accurate and it may need to be tinkered w/. ...?
Thanksgiving babies

53 hrs after the 1st chick hatched, I decided to peek into the 2 unhatched - but still living eggs.

1. It had made a small pip which I slowly peeled away shell with foreceps. I removed the top shell, moistened the membrane, wrapped in a wet paper towel (being careful to avoid the beak), & popped it back into the incubator. About 30 min later, it wiggled out of the shell & is now walking around the incubator & looking fluffy. I'll keep it in there until morning to make sure it can run & keep up with the older chicks already in the brooder.

2. This egg had no pip, so I waited until this evening. (I began to worry that I might wait too long & miss the window for help.) I then candled & used a tiny nail to carefully make an air hole. Next I used the forceps to peel away the shell until I reached the area near the beak. I thought I saw some blood vessels in the inner membrane, so I wrapped it in wet paper towel & put back into incubator. I checked after 30 min, but I want to avoid a nicked blood vessel &/or herniated navel, so best to take it slow. I'll keep checking every 30 min. I can't figure out why this particular egg/chick is so far behind the others. (Now about 56 hrs behind the 1st.) It's a lav orp. I hope he'she makes it!
Out of 14 that made it to lockdown, I've got 2 white breese and 1 barnyard mix out so far. 3 more pips. Hatch day was actually yesterday so this is a late hatch. Fingers crossed for more to come. This is my first hatch with shipped eggs.
I am getting more and more nervous! I started my eggs on 11/09- so, by my calculations day 18 is Sunday. Correct me if I am wrong! It is on Sunday that I should remove the auto-turner and place the eggs on lock-down, right?

I am worried about keeping the humidity up.
I am worried about temp staying stable.
I am worried about so much!


Generally, I guess I am just a nervous Nelly right now!
I am getting more and more nervous! I started my eggs on 11/09- so, by my calculations day 18 is Sunday. Correct me if I am wrong! It is on Sunday that I should remove the auto-turner and place the eggs on lock-down, right? 

I am worried about keeping the humidity up. 
I am worried about temp staying stable.
I am worried about so much! 


Generally, I guess I am just a nervous Nelly right now!

I stop turning shipped eggs early but otherwise yes take it out my humidity was a little lower at lockdown this time only 65% and it wasn't an issue I think it was too high last time at 80% so add wet sponges as needed and I'm always nervous lol
I stop turning shipped eggs early but otherwise yes take it out my humidity was a little lower at lockdown this time only 65% and it wasn't an issue I think it was too high last time at 80% so add wet sponges as needed and I'm always nervous lol

These eggs were not shipped per se- I got them from Penny1960, who brought them to me. I have sponges ready! LOL

I am not going to get any sleep am I??? Haha.
I am getting more and more nervous! I started my eggs on 11/09- so, by my calculations day 18 is Sunday. Correct me if I am wrong! It is on Sunday that I should remove the auto-turner and place the eggs on lock-down, right?

I am worried about keeping the humidity up.
I am worried about temp staying stable.
I am worried about so much!


Generally, I guess I am just a nervous Nelly right now!
Yes, I would stop turning & increase humidity on Sunday. There's not an exact moment you have to make the switch. it's all about making it easier for the chicks to hatch. A little worry is normal, but chicks are usually pretty strong. Even if you goof up on a few things, they can still hatch.

I do recommend doing the lockdown stuff at a time when you'll be near the incubator. For me, the temp changes when I add humidity, so I must make some minor adjustments. Doing it right before bed is not very good, b/c you may worry & have to wake yourself up every few hours to check on the temp. (I talk from experience. LOL)

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