November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Here is my brooder that I just got ready for the babies. I'm thinking I'm going to need to lower the heat lamp though... I'll temp it and check first though. The tote looks MUCH smaller now that the feeder and water container are in there!
We use a bunny cage with the light over it :) it's so exciting :)

I have a wire dog kennel that I will move them into- I just need to get it set up so that shavings are not EVERYWHERE once the babies go into it.

Argh- time has gone so fast- but is going so SLOW now that we are down to the wire!
Two of my quail chicks are looking smaller than the others. Not sure if it's because they hatched later or if it's "failure to thrive." I dipped their beaks into some water/electrolyte mix. I also soaked some quail feed into it & was able to get them to eat a little. I wouldn't say they look sick, just not as rambunctious as the rest. I've never seen this with chickens & I'm learning that quail are simply not like chickens. Their peeping is different & nonstop. They seem to cry at times, but I can never find a cause - or even the culprit. As soon as I get to their brooder, it stops.

My chickens are so quiet & easy going. I put the 2 late hatchers in this morning, & there was no fuss. They're all happy & enjoy snuggling under their mama heating pad.

If anyone has advice on how to beef up the smallest quail chicks, please share.
I am seriously debating the heat lamp now- can anyone give me advice on the MHP method?
It works great for my chicks, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it with teeny tiny quail.

It's basically a heating pad (make sure it doesn't have auto shut off) that is supported by a wire frame. Chicks go under it to get warm & pop out when they need to eat/drink. Mine tend to spend a lot of time under there for the 1st few days, and only venture out when I'm at the cage. By 1 week old, they're always in & out exploring everything. It's easy for them to adjust to colder temps as they would do with a broody hen. (Last spring I had my chicks in the garage & it got down to 45'F a few nights. Chicks were perfectly happy/warm - except for all the times I woke them up to check on them. LOL)

Here's the thread I used to figure out a design that would work for me.
It works great for my chicks, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it with teeny tiny quail.

It's basically a heating pad (make sure it doesn't have auto shut off) that is supported by a wire frame. Chicks go under it to get warm & pop out when they need to eat/drink. Mine tend to spend a lot of time under there for the 1st few days, and only venture out when I'm at the cage. By 1 week old, they're always in & out exploring everything. It's easy for them to adjust to colder temps as they would do with a broody hen. (Last spring I had my chicks in the garage & it got down to 45'F a few nights. Chicks were perfectly happy/warm - except for all the times I woke them up to check on them. LOL)

Here's the thread I used to figure out a design that would work for me.

I just found that thread- great info and visual! Thank you.

Dark grey which most often has turned blue with partridge head and hackle.

Next is the little yellow one. So far both hatches had one of this exact color become bright orange, just like the dad.

And this one is the light grey...

These little ones came out 2 days late! They're well worth the wait! They are now in their mom's new nesting box (which obviously needed lots of cleaning) right nest to a small cage where their siblings from the previous hatch are waiting to meet them.
As soon as the chicks become a bit more willing to explore they'll be able to see each other, but not without a separation for safety.(Thanks, again Faraday40 for your great advice!)
Can anyone says when, approximately, it would be safe to remove that barrier? I know the 11 going on 12 week olds are cramped in the small space they have at the moment.

They are adorable!!! I can't wait for mine to venture out of their shells Wednesday!

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